关键词: 建筑企业;工程项目;危机管理
The Study of Management by Crisis of Construction Enterprise
Abstract:With economic development, China's construction enterprises management level has been greatly improved, but there are still a considerable number and size of construction companies on the verge of a loss or even go bankrupt. After join the WTO, construction enterprise is no longer facing a single national or international construction market, so the possibility of a crisis marked increase. Moreover, because of the special nature of the construction enterprise products, construction enterprises have to face the double threat of direct and indirect crisis which appear in the process operation and management activities and construction projects.
The article use crisis management theory to analysis of the potential crisis according to the characteristics of construction enterprises. the author analyses the causes of crisis and possible crisis types more systematic by using the classification method, specific make a concrete analysis of the crisis inducement factor; Crisis management and crisis management through strengthening the system established, the Chinese construction enterprises to seek effective ways to deal with the crisis, crisis management theory in the construction of better business applications and improve its avoid risks, and resolve the crisis
Key Words:construction enterprise;construction project;crisis management
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1国外研究概况 2
1.3.2 国内研究概况 3
1.4 研究内容 3
2建筑企业危机管理综述 4
2.1 概念界定 4
2.1.1 危机管理的概念 4
2.1.2 企业危机管理的概念 5
2.1.3建筑企业危机管理的概念 5
2.2 建筑企业危机管理的特点 5
2.2.1 不确定性 5
2.2.2 应急性 6
2.2.3 严重性 7
2.2.4 预防性 7
2.3 建筑企业危机管理的职能 7
2.3.1 建筑企业危机管理的基本职能 7
2.3.2 危机管理的延伸职能 8
3建筑企业危机产生的主要原因 9
3.1 外部原因 9
3.1.1 宏观政策的影响 9
3.1.2 市场环境的影响 9
3.1.3 科技进步的影响 10
3.1.4 微观经济和人文的影响 10
3.1.5 不可抗力的影响 10
3.2 内部原因 11
3.2.1 经营管理不善 11
3.2.2 缺乏危机意识 11
3.2.3 企业素质低下 11
- 上一篇:浅析视频网站优酷盈利模式研究
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