    关键词  儿童福利院  感恩意识  感恩教育  教养方式
    Title    The Relationship research between the educational pattern of children's welfare homes and the lack of children's gratitude consciousness
    With the highly development of the economic  of our country,it brings the development of the material life,.children's welfare homes provide the  material conditions to children  also got a lot of ascension. The children's welfare homes in the developed areas  on the material life and even has been achieved in the conditions of the average family's children growing up. Welfare homes children's psychological needs and problems are diffcult to solve, and this phenomenon has become more serious. So the children's welfare homes urgently needs to change in the management mode.In the past the type of making-up  education mode, conservationists to children's dedication as for granted, so the institution of the education of children of gratitude consciousness has become a top priority. The purpose of this paper is to study welfare officials upbringing and whether there is a connection between children's lack of gratitude consciousness. Conservationists gentle patience, good at communication, and fulling of gratitude, whether the way of the cultivation of the gratitude consciousness have favorable effect for children.
    Keywords  Children's welfare homes  gratitude consciousness  gratitude education  educational pattern
    目   次
    1  引言1
    2.1  相关概念 2
    2.2  相关研究现状 4
    2.3  总结6
    3  研究设计  7
    3.1  研究地点概况7
    3.2  研究依据7
    3.3  研究目的10
    3.4  研究假设10
    3.5  研究方法及工具 10
    4  调查数据分析  12
    4.1  同事关系与儿童感恩意识12
    4.2  沟通程度、沟通模式与儿童体谅行为13
    4.3  感恩意识教养与儿童感恩行为13
    4.4  心理需求关注度与不合理要求提出频率14
    5  结论与不足15
    致谢 18
    附录A 调查问卷21
    1  引言
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