    摘要: 随着我国老龄化程度的逐渐加深和社会经济的不断发展,老年群体在生活中的物质需求逐步得到满足后,其精神慰藉缺失的问题也同时变得日益严重。而社会工作作为一种专业的助人工作,正逐渐渗透进养老机构的养老服务中来,在老年人精神慰藉服务方面不断发挥其独特而重要的作用。本文以奉贤区M养老院为对象,通过文献研究、个案访谈以及参与观察等方法,对居住在上海市养老院的老人的精神慰藉需求和服务现状展开调查,发现存在服务提供的弱专业化、服务方式的单一化、可用资源的稀缺化等问题。针对以上问题,笔者认为上海市的养老机构亟需社会工作的介入以提供更优质的老年精神慰藉服务,并基于此进一步提出了相关对策建议:比如环境政策建议以及对优化介入服务的建议。 21926
    毕业论文关键词: 养老院;精神慰藉服务;社会工作介入
    Social Work Intervention in Spiritual Consolation Service
    of Nursing Home for the Elderly in Shanghai :
    A Case Study of M Nursing Home in Fengxian District
    Abstract: With the deepening of aging population problem as well as the social and economic development, the material needs of the elderly are gradually met while their lack of spiritual consolation has also been increasingly prominent. Social work, which provides scientific services, is now slowly penetrating into Nursing Home service and it will absolutely play an important role in the spiritual consolation service for the elderly. To investigate the spiritual needs of the elderly and the present spiritual services of Nursing homes in Shanghai, I took Fengxian District M Nursing Home as a case with literature research, in-depth interview and participant observation as my research methods. Results show several problems as follows: lopsided service object, low professionalism in providing the service, monotony in responding to different demands and limited sources. Thus, from my point of view, there is an urgent need for social work intervention in elderly spiritual consolation service in order to provide better services. So finally, I put forward several suggestions based on these problems. Such as the Environmental policy recommendations and to optimize intervention services.
    Key words: Nursing Homes for the elderly; spiritual consolation service; social work intervention
    目   录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    1.老年群体精神慰藉缺失亟待关注    1
    2.社会工作介入养老机构的精神慰藉服务    2
    (二)研究目的、意义及创新    2
    1.研究目的    2
    2.研究意义    3
    3.研究创新    3
    (三)文献综述与概念界定    3
    1.文献综述    3
    2.核心概念界定    5
    (四)研究方法    6
    1.文献研究法    6
    2.个案访谈法    6
    3.参与观察法    6
    二、上海机构养老中对于老年人精神慰藉需求及服务现状分析    7
    (一)访谈的设计    7
    (二)受访老人概况    7
    (三)养老机构对于老年人精神慰藉需求及服务现状分析    8
    (四)养老机构在老年人精神慰藉服务存在的问题    9
    1.服务提供的弱专业化    9
    2.服务方式的单一化    10
    3.可用资源的稀缺化    10
    三、对社会工作介入上海市养老机构精神慰藉服务的建议    11
    (一)上海市养老机构精神慰藉服务发展概况    11
  1. 上一篇:初探上海老年人社区养老现状与模式
  2. 下一篇:独居老人精神赡养问题的研究
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