    关键词: 汽车售后服务;内部营销;标准化策略;外部营销战略;
    Research in automobile after-sales service
    Taking the case of Shanghai Changan Mazda automobile corporation
    Abstract:automobiles is an important transport vehicle which has a great influence on people's daily life .In foreign countries , the automobile industry has developed very mature,both in produce and service.But in China, automobile industry is on the stage of development,after-sales service industry and Service marketing has not been mature. According to the after-sales theory ,domestic and international research on automobile industry and the direction of oversea vehicle after-sales service to analyze the marketing situation of “shanghai changan mazda automobile corporation”.Then use the STP, SWOT theory to analyze strengths and weaknesses of the company. Finally, set down five-point service marketing strategies for them: marketing theory and set down the service process standardization and variety diversification strategy, internal marketing strategy, safe guards for the realization of the strategies,external marketing strategy. Hope this research result is of reference value for the small and medium vehicle after-sales service enterprises.

    Keywords:  After-sales service strategy ; Internal marketing strategy ; standardization strategy; external marketing strategy;

    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 课题研究背景    1
    (二) 研究的意义    1
    (三) 写作目的    2
    三、相关分析理论    6
    (一) STP理论    6
    (二) SWOT理论    6
    四、汽车售后服务发展现状    7
    (一) 国外汽车售后服务的优势    7
    1、 售后服务体系以制造为基础    7
    2、 先进的服务观念    7
    3、 售后人员综合素质高    7
    (二) 中国汽车售后服务存在问题    8
    1、 生产商与经销商沟通不良    8
    2、 售后服务体系同经销商脱节    8
    3、 缺乏相关标准与法规    8
    五、汽车售后服务理论分析    9
    (一) 汽车服务营销的内容    9
    1、 质量保证服务    9
    2、 保养和文修服务    9
    3、 车辆召回服务    9
    4、 特色服务    10
    5、 回访与咨询服务    10
    (二) 基于STP的分析    10
    1、 市场细分    10
    2、 目标市场的选择    10
    3、 市场定位    10
    (三) 基于SWOT的分析    10
    1、 国内汽车售后服务的优势    10
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