    毕业论文关键词:  知识型企业;人力资源管理实践;企业绩效
    Study on the practice of human resources management in knowledge type enterprises impact on Enterprise Performance
    With HW Technology Co. Ltd as an example
    Abstract:In the era of knowledge economy, the value of human resources has become the core competitiveness of enterprises to measure logo, which determines the knowledge type enterprise to knowledge workers as the main body will occupy the dominant position in the economic and social development. The practice of human resource management is the source of knowledge enterprises to obtain competitive advantage, the survival and development of knowledge-based enterprises. How human resource management practices, knowledge enterprises affect firm performance, in order to give full play to knowledge staff's innovation ability, the construction of enterprise's core competitive advantage, which has play a decisive role role to promote the development of the national economy. This paper takes knowledge-based enterprise as the research object, combined with the characteristics of knowledge enterprises and its role in economic development, studies the relationship between human resource management practices and firm performance and the influence, and gives the corresponding cases, the knowledge type enterprises to improve performance and obtain a competitive advantage has certain guiding significance.
      Key words: Knowledge-based enterprise; Human resources management practices ; Business performance
    目     录    

    摘  要    2
    Abstract    2
    一、相关理论概述    4
    (一)知识型企业相关理论概述    4
    1.知识型企业的涵义    4
    2.知识型企业的特征    4
    (二)企业绩效管理相关理论概述    5
    1.企业绩效的定义    5
    2.企业绩效管理与绩效考核的区别    5
    二、一般企业人力资源管理实践对企业绩效的影响分析    6
    三、HW技术有限公司的发展状况    8
    (一)HW技术有限公司介绍    8
    (二)HW技术有限公司发展历程    8
    四、知识型企业人力资源管理实践对企业绩效的影响在HW技术有限公司的具体体现    10
    参考文献    13
    致 谢    15
    前 言
    面对全球化市场发展的需要,作为新兴力量的知识型企业成为新一代社会中最活跃的组织形态。以往的人力资源绩效管理体系早已不能满足知识型企业的组织形式。为了适应市场经济的发展,人力资源绩效管理正在加速向知识型人力资源管理时代行进。那么,知识型企业要想拥有属于自己的一片天地,就要有较为成熟的、完善的竞争思想。现如今,人作为社会的主体,发挥着巨大的作用,尤其是优秀的知识型人才。知识员工是知识型企业的主要主体,人力资源管理系统是企业的重要结构,是提升企业竞争优势的最佳途径。因此,企业获取一席之地的重要保障是创建一个合理的工作系统。那么以知识为前提的知识型企业,要想增强自身的实力、立于不败之地,就必须明确人力资源管理实践对企业绩效的影响。国内外之所以重视知识型企业人力资源管理工作系统对企业绩效的影响的研究,这是因为人力资源管理活动对企业具有相当大的作用 。
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