    摘要:为了研究上海大学生医疗保险存在的问题及对策,使得该制度更好的让学生享受医保制度的实惠,从而完善大学生医疗保险制度。本文主要采用文献研究和现场调查的研究方法,通过大量阅读该学术领域有关的研究成果,对我国高校大学生保险现状以及国家在高校大学生医保方面的改革及研究成果进行了综述, 初步的研究和归纳了大学生医疗保险制度的基本现状。通过与美国、日本等发达国家以及国内具有启发性的大学生医疗保险制度的比较,较为全面的总结了这些国家的相关制度对我国大学生医保制度的借鉴之处。结合上海应用技术学院的调研资料,分析了上海大学生医疗保险存在着学生参保意识淡薄、政府及学校宣传工作不到位、医疗保险覆盖范围小、医疗服务水平低等问题,针对这些问题提出了加强政府及学校的宣传工作来提高大学生参保率、扩大大学生医疗保险的覆盖范围、加强管理提高医疗服务水平等相关对策。24485
    Analysis about the Problems of the College Students’  Medical Insurance and the Countermeasures
    Abstract In order to research Shanghai university students’ health insurance problems and countermeasures ,allow students to enjoy the benefits of better health care system, thereby improving the leve of college health insurance system.This paper mainly used literature research and field surveys,reading through a lot of research about the academic field,The current situation and the reform of college students and research universities Insurance Medicare aspects of college students in the country were reviewed. Preliminary studied  and summarized the basic medical insurance system about College Students.Compared with the developed countries like the United States,Japan,etc. and domestic instructive college health insurance system,with a more comprehensive summary of the health insurance system in China to learn from college-related systems in these countries.Combined research data of Shanghai Institute of Technology,Analysis of Shanghai college students enrolled in health insurance exists some problems including government and school publicity is not in place,a small health insurance coverage,health care with low levels and so on.To solve these problems,there are some countermeasures, Foe example,propose to strengthen the government's advocacy work to improve school enrollment rate of college students,expand health insurance coverage,strengthen management to improve the level of medical services and other related countermeasures.
    Keywords :college students;medical insurance;problem;countermeasure;research
    目  录
    一、引言    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究现状    1
    (三)研究意义    2
    (四)研究目的    3
    二、研究方法    3
    (一)文献研究    3
    (二)现场调研    3
    三、研究结果    3
    (一)文献研究结果    3
    (二)现场调查结果    6
    四、政策建议    11
    五、结论    12
    优尔、参考文献    13
    七、致谢    15
    八、附录    16
    (一) 研究背景
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