Abstarct: With the development of network technology, the quality of students' living standard is improving。 Traditional consumption patterns do not meet today's growing day。 There is no better service experience for students。 But the rise of O2O campus service platform provides a better service experience for students。 Based on "anlaiye" as the research object, using the theory of 4V, making questionnaire。 Combined with the data from Shanghai university, the present situation of the enterprise is analyzed, and the deficiency of "anlaiye" is found in the product or service。 Find out the problem of 4V marketing on campus O2O, and put forward targeted measures。 Then It will win more consumers' favor and increase the core competitiveness of enterprises。
Keywords:anlaiye, differentiated marketing, functional marketing, value added marketing, resonance marketing
1 引言 3
2 理论基础 3
3 问卷设计与数据整理 4
3。1 问卷设计 4
3。2 问卷数据整理 5
4 基于4V理论下的营销问题 7
4。1 市场细分弱,差异化低 7
4。2 核心功能被忽视,蔓延功能得不到发展 8
4。3 附加产品种类少,附加服务不完善 9
4。4 业务格局较小,共鸣影响小 10
5 “俺来也”平台平展战略 10
5。1 细分校园市场,打造差异化形象 10
5。2 发挥核心功能,打破木桶短板 11
5。3 开发附加产品,增加附加服务 12
5。4 实现互动共鸣,走出校园市场 12
结 论 14
参 考 文 献 15
致 谢 16
附录 17
1 引言源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766