    关键词  社区养老  机构养老  生活满意度
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  A Comparative Study on the Life Satisfaction of the Institutional Pension Mode and Community Pension Mode                                  
    In parallel with the aging and the empty nest phenomenon of today, pension problem has become the core of people's livelihood. The traditional home-care model difficult to adapt to the reality of China's population aging phenomenon, so the development of the socialized old-age model has attracted much attention. Socialized pension mode is pided into institutional pension mode and community pension mode. In order to know the current status and the development space of two modes in Nanjing, I visited A community pension service center and B private nursing homes in Nanjing, and designed a questionnaire to measure life satisfaction of the old people who lived in institution. And then, using SPSS17.0 statistical analysis software to analyze the data and comparing the status of the service quality of the two agencies, and provides scientific basis for their own developmental direction. This study showed that two agencies used different pattern, but the old man's satisfaction were differs little. And from the mean of the overall satisfaction, both agencies have the developmental space. Comparison of the two institutions in the quality of the food, accommodation, entertainment and service attitude of different dimensions, showed that the community care service centers for the elderly in the satisfaction of the quality of the food is slightly lower than that of private nursing homes, and private nursing homes for the elderly live in accommodation satisfaction is slightly lower than that of community pension service center, and in the two dimensions of entertainment, service attitude, two institutions has a larger space for development. According to the current situation and problems, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures for reference.
    Keywords  Institutional Pension  Community Pension  life satisfaction
    目   次
    1  引言  1
    1.1  研究背景及意义  1
    1.2  研究内容及创新  1
    文献综述  3
    2.1  相关概念界定  3
    2.2  相关理论 … 3
    2.3  现有学术研究… 5
    3  研究设计  7
    3.1  老人生活满意度调查的含义及意义  7
    3.2  研究方法  7
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