    Research on the Performance of Farmland Remediation Projects from Farmers ' Perspective
    ——A Case Study of Three Cities in Jiangsu Province
    Abstract:Farmland remediation will eventually be effective through agricultural production by farmers, and only projects that have achieved farmers' recognition are likely to be high-performance projects. First of all, in the view of the farmer's perspective,the paper puts forward the theoretical assumptions of the whole project performance including the performance of the process performance and the results performance , and constructs the performance measurement index system covering four stages: project selection, planning and design, construction implementation, operation and management. Secondly, after obtaining the farmer's data in Jiangsu Province, the weight of the index is determined by the improved entropy method and the factor analysis method. Use the TOPSIS method to compare the performance level. Finally, use the binary Logistic model to diagnose the influencing factors. The results show that use the combination of improved entropy method and factor analysis method to weight the index is more comprehensive and objective. The performance level of different regions is different. The characteristics of urban and rural areas and the characteristics of project construction have significant influence on performance evaluation. It is recommended to attach importance to the planning and design stage to consult farmers' opinions, strictly implement the implementation of the situation, establish and improve the facilities maintenance system, and fully implement the facilities maintenance work.
    Key words: Farmland Remediation Performance; Farmer Perspective; Improved Entropy Value Method; TOPSIS; Binary Logistic Regression
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    2
    一、导论    2
    (一)选题背景    2
    (二)选题意义    3
    1.理论意义    3
    2.现实意义    3
    (三)技术路线    3
    二、文献回顾    4
    (一)农地整治项目绩效测度研究    4
    (二)农地整治项目绩效影响因素研究    5
    (三)研究述评    6
    三、理论分析    6
    (一)概念界定    6
    (二)绩效测度指标体系构建    6
    (三)绩效影响因素理论分析    7
    四、研究方法    8
    (一)绩效测度方法    8
    1.TOPSIS法    8
    (二)指标权重确定方法    10
    1.结合的改进熵值-因子分析法    10
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