    关键词  社会舆情传播  意见领袖  微博意见领袖  形成过程
    Title  The Formation Mechanism of Opinion Leader in The Process   of Public Opinion Dissemination and Opinion Leader’s   Influence on The Emotion and Behavior of The Public                      
    With the rise of the development of micro blog, micro blog has become an important channel for social hot events spread, micro blog opinion leaders began to become the central node of the micro-blog, in the public opinion of the formation, development and evolution process plays an extremely important role.
    Firstly, this paper introduces the research status of opinion leaders and opinion leaders, then expounds the meaning of micro blog opinion leaders, forming process, identification index and types, and the public mood and behavior influence, finally to Chengdu female driver beaten events, for example, the Nanjing Science and Technology University School of economics and management, Department of information management, network public opinion analysis and simulation system ", and combined with the PKUVIS, expounds the forming process of the micro blog opinion leaders and to public sentiment and behavior influence.
    Keywords  Public Opinion Dissemination  Opinion Leader  Micro-Blog Opinion Leader  Formation Process
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 意见领袖的研究现状    1
    1.3 微博意见领袖的研究现状    2
    1.4 研究意义    2
    2  社会舆情传播过程中的微博意见领袖    3
    2.1 微博意见领袖的含义    3
    2.2 微博意见领袖的类型    3
    2.3 微博意见领袖的形成过程    5
    2.4 微博意见领袖影响力的传播方式    5
    2.5 微博意见领袖的识别    6
    3 微博意见领袖对公众情绪与行为的影响    7
    3.1 扩大影响并转变舆论走向    7
    3.2 理清事件并辨别信息真伪    7
    3.3 以领袖身份参与公共事件    7
    4 实证分析    8
    4.1成都女司机被打事件微博舆论的形成过程    8
    4.2成都女司机被打事件中的意见领袖形成过程    9
    4.3微博意见领袖对公众情绪与行为的影响    9
    结论    9
    致谢    9
    参考文献    9
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景
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