    关键字  饮料消费  消费行为  购买动机
    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Beverage consumption behavior of students in Nanjing University of Science and Technology                
    Along with the growth of the national income, the people's living standards, the drinks industry is developing rapidly. In the 80 s the Coca-Cola company planed to open the Chinese beverage market and did a lot of propaganda work and train people new drink concept. Nowadays, drinks have become the People's Daily life is an indispensable part of. Buy drinks have is not what is rare things, drinks type and quantity has can make us gaping. Our country has now overtaken Japan become the world's second big drink producer.
    This article through to the institute of technology of nanjing university college students drink consumption behavior research, to consumer behavior on the theory of the theory, this paper introduces the institute of technology of nanjing university college students drink consumption present situation, through to the institute of technology of nanjing university college students drink consumption behavior analysis, combining the characteristics of college students' soft drink consumption, in nanjing university of technology beverage supplier marketing strategy existent problem, puts forward the Suggestions for improvement.
    Keywords   Beverage consumption  Consumer behavior  Buying motive
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    1
    1.3  研究方法    2
    1.4  研究框架    2
    2  相关理论概述    4
    2.1  消费行为理论    4
    2.2  消费者购买动机理论    5
    2.3  消费者购买决策与购买行为    6
    2.4  消费行为的影响因素    7
    3  大学生饮料消费状况分析    9
    3.1  大学生饮料消费现状分析    9
    3.2  大学生饮料消费特点分析    9
    3.3  南京理工大学大学生饮料消费调查结果分析    10
    3.4  影响饮料购买意向及行为的因素    12
    4  促进南京理工大学大学生饮料消费的策略    16
    4.1  给予饮料以附加价值    16
    4.2  提高产品策略    16
    4.3  恰当的价格    16
    4.4  积极促销    17
    结论    18
    致谢    19
    参考文献    20
    附录1:    21
    1  引言
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