    摘 要在信息技术日益成熟的今天,信息系统已经是企业高效发展的必要选择,真正影响企业发展的是“人”对于信息系统的选择和管理,而承担这一重要任务的人就是企业家。企业家在做出信息系统模式选择的战略决策时,受到客观因素(包括企业性质、规模、行业、成本、人员素质、市场、信息技术等)和主观因素(包括企业家们自身的知识体系、创新意识、冒险意识、市场敏感度、领导力、管理能力等)多方面因素的影响。面对企业环境的错综复杂性,企业家决策的风险性加大,再者,市场竞争激烈,要想保持企业的长久发展,创新的决策是可持续的源泉。多变的市场,更需要企业家具有长远的眼光和敏锐的市场洞察力。本文定性地将企业家在决策时表现出的最重要的三种特性归结为企业家精神的三个文度,即创新性、前瞻性、风险承担性。过去对企业家精神多从宏观层面,即它对国家经济或区域经济的影响作出研究,本文在梳理和总结国内外现有企业家精神和信息化建设研究文献的基础上,从企业家主体的微观层面,将企业家精神分解为三大文度(创新性、前瞻性、风险承担性),并从演化的视角,作出企业家精神对企业信息系统模式的选择具有关键性影响,同时,企业信息化建设对企业家精神的培养又具有促进作用的假设,通过文献研究法、案例分析法、问卷调查法的研究方法,验证得出假设的正确性。本文对企业家精神及其对企业信息系统选择影响机制进行初步讨论,强调企业家在信息化建设不同阶段结合客观现实,创新选择相应信息系统模式,保证经营管理高效化、成本最低化、效益最大化的正向影响。希望能够帮助企业在复杂的企业环境下,识别和发挥企业家精神的作用,特别是发挥在企业信息化战略决策上的作用提供有益参考。27953
    毕业论文关键词: 企业家;企业家精神;信息系统模式;信息化建设;演化视角
    AbstractIn today's increasingly sophisticated information technology, information systems isalready necessary to choose the efficient development of enterprises, the real impact ofenterprise development "people" for the selection and management information system, andto undertake this important task of man is to entrepreneurs. When entrepreneurs makestrategic decisions Information System mode selected by objective factors (includingownership, size, industry, cost, quality of personnel, marketing, information technology, etc.)and subjective factors (including entrepreneurs who own knowledge system, ) many factorsaffect innovation, sense of adventure, market sensitivity, leadership, management ability.Faced with complex enterprise environment, increasing the risk of entrepreneurialdecision-making. Furthermore, market competition, in order to maintain long-termdevelopment of enterprises, innovation is a sustainable source of decision-making. Changingmarket, but also need entrepreneurs with long-term vision and keen insight into the market.This paper qualitatively in decision-making entrepreneur exhibit three most importantcharacteristics attributed to entrepreneurship in three dimensions, namely innovative,forward-looking, risk-taking nature. Entrepreneurship for more from the macro level, namelyits impact on the national economy or regional economies to past research, on the basis ofexisting entrepreneurship and information technology research at home and abroad to collateand summarize the literature on the subject from entrepreneurs the micro level, theentrepreneurial spirit is decomposed into three dimensions (innovative, forward-looking,risk-taking nature), and from the perspective of evolution, making entrepreneurship have acritical impact on the choice of enterprise information system model, while EnterpriseInformation Construction of entrepreneurship but also has promoted the assumption thatthrough literature research, case studies method, questionnaire method, to verify thecorrectness of assumptions derived. In this paper, entrepreneurship and its impact on theenterprise information system selection mechanism preliminary discussions emphasizeinformation technology entrepreneurs combine different stages of objective reality,innovation and information system to select the appropriate mode to ensure efficientmanagement, the lowest cost, maximum benefit of the positive effect. We are hoping to helpbusinesses in a complex business environment, play a role in identifying andentrepreneurship, especially the role of information technology in the enterprise strategicdecision to provide a useful reference.
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