    摘 要:宿舍人际关系的好坏,对学生的学习就业,及将来的社会人脉,都有着重大的影响。文科类女大学生天性敏感且较为感性,尤其是处于大四这样一个决定人生又一历程的关键时刻,其独有的性格、心理特点,决定了其宿舍人际关系更为复杂化和微妙化。本文以上海应用技术学院全日制本科文科类(人文思政学院和外国语学院)大四女生为调查对象,以2009级的50名女生为研究样本,通过问卷综合调查及实例分析,从文科类大四女生宿舍人际关系现状入手,剖析原因,探求对策,为她们营造和谐宿舍人际关系提供参考意见,以保障她们身心健康地学习和生活。本毕业论文阐述了宿舍关系在她们人际交往中的重要性,通过案例,分析造成她们宿舍矛盾的主要原因及诊断方法。良好的宿舍关系可以缓解学生的学习压力,消除孤独感,产生安全感,使她们保持情绪的平静和稳定,从而保障她们的正常学习生活。5336
    Abstract: There is a great influence on students' employment and the coming social contacts whether the interpersonal relationship is good or bad..College female students in liberal arts are sensitive, nature and more perceptual, especially in the critical moment deciding another life history in the senior. The unique character, psychological characteristics decide that their dormitory interpersonal relationship is more complicated and subtle. This paper takes Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Humanities ideological and political institute, and the Institute of foreign languages), the senior girls in Shanghai Institute of Technology, as the research object, taking class of 2009, the 50 senior girls as research samples. Through the questionnaire survey and the analysis of cases, it starts from analysis of the current situations of interpersonal relationship, finds reasons , seeks  the countermeasures, and provides a reference for them to create a harmonious dormitory interpersonal relationship, dealing with well female college students dormitory relations, to ensure their life and study with physical and mental health. This paper expounds the importance of the dormitory relations among students,  analyses the main causes of dormitory contradiction and effective diagnostic methods through the cases. The good dormitory relations can ease the students' learning pressure, eliminate the lonely feeling, have a sense of security, to keep the mood calm and stable, so as to ensure their normal life.

    关键词: 文科类女大学生;大四; 宿舍人际;包容;沟通;
    Key words: liberal arts female students; Senior year; The dormitory interpersonal relationship; Tolerance; Communication;
    一、研究背景                            3
    二、文献回顾                            4
    三、理论架构和研究方法                       4
    (一)理论基础                           4
        1、人际关系平衡理论                       4
        2、马斯洛的需要层次论                      4
    3、埃利斯的理性情绪疗法                     5
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