    Analysis of China's B2C e-commerce marketing strategy E-mail
    Abstract:In twenty-first Century, with the rapid development of the Internet and the speed of economic globalization speeding up, the competition between enterprises is becoming fiercer, e-commerce as a new way of marketing has been the rapid development. Nowadays, the emergence of many such as TaoBao mode of B2C electronic commerce. And now, the importance of E-mail marketing in Internet marketing has become increasingly prominent, E-mail marketing has large scale users. E-mail marketing in the field of B2C e-commerce, in pay attention to "user experience" in the environment of marketing, E-mail did not fare so well.The study on E-mail marketing in B2C e-commerce application based, combined with the development trend of the current Internet, analyzes the problems in B2C e-commerce E-mail marketing strategy, and the corresponding problems put forward the optimization. And for B2C e-commerce enterprise E-mail marketing proposed new scheme, to improve the effect of E-mail marketing and competitive.
    Keywords:electronic commerce ; B2C; E-mail marketing
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、E-mail营销及我国B2C电子商务相关理论概述    2
    (一) E-mail营销的基本概念    2
    (二) E-mail营销的特点和作用    2
    (三) 国内B2C电子商务发展现状    4
    (四) E-mail营销在B2C电商企业营销方式中的地位    5
    二、E-mail营销策略在B2C电商企业的应用    6
    (一)有效获取顾客资源    6
    (二)向顾客推广网站信息    6
    (三)提高用户对品牌的关注    7
    三、 国内B2C电子商务E-mail营销策略存在的问题    7
    (一)更倾向于营销而不是客户关系    7
    (二)与用户互动性不足    8
    (三)E-mail发送频率不恰当    8
    (四)触发器的使用还不够    9
    四、 国内B2C电子商务E-mail营销策略优化    9
    (一)多种方式获取客户资源    9
    (二)高效精准管理用户数据    10
    (三)制定高效用户生命周期的实操策略    10
    (四)E-mail营销超越竞争对手的延伸训练    11
    致  谢    14
    前  言
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