    摘  要:河南在全国来说是白酒类生产和消费大省,是区域性品牌众多的大省,如何才能在河南激烈的竞争中走出来。河南白酒行业现在即将面临的主要问题:伴随着白酒生产成本不停的上涨,成本问题逐渐成为白酒企业发展的制约因素。各个企业之间因为经营水平而产生的差异比较大;有的企业规模偏小,缺少行业的核心竞争力,所以中低端白酒产品比较多;比较高的税负困扰着河南白酒企业的正常发展;白酒在市场上的销售环境仍需改善。这些问题已经阻碍了宋河酒业的发展。因此就需要宋河酒业在河南的白酒市场竞争中,逐渐创新白酒的营销策略,对渠道策略进行优化,与此同时也要对宋河酒业进行品牌规划,要实现产品的品牌化发展。本文从河南白酒市场现状入手,从STP和4Ps营销策略的角度,完整的分析了宋河酒业在河南白酒市场营销策略的成功运用和些许的不足,以及在河南白酒市场激烈竞争环境下,品牌拉力逐渐体现出对白酒企业的重要性。31469
    The Marketing Strategy analysis of Songhe wine 
        Abstract: Henan is a big province of liquor production and consumption in the country, the province of regional brands, if talent showing itself to the fierce competition in the market in Henan. The main problems of Henan liquor industry is now faced with: Liquor production cost is going up, the cost has become the restricting factors of the development of the liquor business. The differences between the various enterprises for management level and had relatively large; some small-scale enterprises, the lack of core competitiveness of the industry, so a lot of the low-end liquor products; high tax burden hindering the normal development of Henan liquor enterprise; liquor in the market environment remains to be improved. These problems have hindered the development of liquor River song. So it is necessary to Songhe liquor in Henan liquor market competition, gradually innovative wine marketing strategy, channel optimization strategy continuously, at the same time to make the Song River wine brand planning, brand development for product. This article from the status of Henan liquor market, from STP and 4Ps marketing strategy point of view, a complete analysis of the successful use of the Song River wine liquor market in the marketing strategy of Henan and some deficiencies, and fierce competition in Henan liquor market environment, brand force gradually reflected the importance of Liquor Enterprises
        Key words: songhe of wine; brand; marketing strategy
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、河南白酒市场现状    2
    (一)河南市场现状    2
    (二)河南白酒消费特征    2
    二、宋河酒业市场环境分析    3
    (一)宋河酒业概述    3
    (二)环境分析    3
    三、宋河酒业营销策略分析    4
    (一)STP营销策略分析    4
    (二)4Ps策略分析    5
    (三)宋河酒业品牌策略分析    7
    四、 结论与建议    10
    (一)结论    11
    (二)建议    11
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14.
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