    Abstract With economic development, the improvement of living standards, people living environment, living comfort requirements are also increasing. The real estate industry has become an important pillar industry, resource-saving and environment-friendly real estate industry is the future trend of real estate in China. This paper describes the background of green real estate, green real estate connotation, features. Green real estate development problems and solutions. The real estate is not necessarily green and high-tech related intelligence, its essence is the easiest way to minimize the cost, in exchange for suitable living environment. Green real estate development space will increase and promote the business environment and ecology to human settlements development. Green Real Estate is the premise of ecological design standards, green standard indicators. Only adapted to local ecological building is the real green real estate, he has the advantage of land, water, energy, improve the ecological environment, reduce environmental pollution, to extend the life of the building, to no waste no pollution, efficient and harmonious, open closed requirements. In order to create a good and comfortable living environment, we have to be in a people-oriented basis, seek coordinated development of people, nature, architecture, but also sustainable development as the guiding ideology.
    Key  words : green real estate; trends; market demand; new energy and new materials
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  绿色房地产的产生景背和内涵    1
    1.2  研究方法    1
    1.3研究目标与内容    1
    (1.4概念界定)    1
    2绿色房地产介绍    2
    2.1绿色房地产的特点:    2
    2.2  绿色房地产的设计策略和新材料的使用    2
    3.房地产中可再生能源的利用    4
    3.1 新型墙体材料    4
    3. 2 节能门窗和节能玻璃    5
    3.3 水泥的发展和粉煤灰的使用    6
    4绿色房地产发展存在的问题及对策    7
    4.1企业绿色营销意识淡薄    7
    4. 2 消费者绿色需求不足    7
    4.3 政府对绿色建筑的监督支持不够    7
    4.4 针对以上几点问题提出相应的对策:    7
    5  我国的绿色房地产发展    8
    5.1 我国目前还处于绿色房地产发展的初期,有很多问题存在。    8
    5.2 针对以上优尔个问题,提出以下几点建议:    9
  1. 上一篇:房地产项目区位分析及选择研究
  2. 下一篇:沛县文化产业选择依据及其发展研究
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