    关键词  品牌  宜家家居  品牌策略
    毕业论文外 文 摘 要
    Title IKEA Home Furnishing (China) brand strategy research Summary                            
    Usually,Invisible things are the most valuable, for an enterprise, it refer to the brand. In the minds of consumers, brand loyalty and product visibility, credibility and reliability is a symbol of high quality products and excellent service, and also is a guarantee for consumers. Each brand has a different brand value, which is the fundamental reason for the products have different prices. The brand is not a product for selling, so it is the precious point of brand.
    This dissertation based on the brand theory, briefly reviews the development process of the brand IKEA brand in the process of growth, and then according to the five aspects about brand positioning, brand design, brand image, brand communication, and brand expansion to make a research of IKEA Home Furnishing brand strategy. In Chinese, questionnaire survey method is the most common. This method can be used to the consumer's point of view to observe the operation effect of IKEA brand strategy, then put forward some existing problems in brand strategy. Through the analysis, and then from these areas such as brand image, brand efficiency, brand loyalty, brand competitiveness to optimize.
    Keywords  Brand   IKEA Home Furnishing   Brand strategy
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究的背景    1
    1.2 研究的目的和意义    1
    1.3 国内外现状研究及分析    1
    1.4 研究内容和方法    2
    1.4.1研究内容及框架    2
    1.4.2研究方法    3
    2 相关理论综述    4
    2.1 品牌营销的概述    4
    2.2 品牌营销的四大策略    4
    3 宜家家居企业概况    6
    3.1 宜家家居简介    6
    3.2 宜家家居企业文化    7
    4宜家家居在(中国)的品牌策略分析    8
    4.1宜家家居品牌在中国的发展历程    8
    4.2 宜家家居品牌策略研究    8
    4.2.1 宜家家居的品牌定位    8
    4.2.2 宜家中国品牌再定位    9
    4.2.3 宜家家居的品牌延伸    10
    4.2.4 宜家的品牌塑造    10
    4.2.5 宜家家居的品牌推广    11
    4.3宜家家居(中国)品牌策略的调查分析    11
    4.3.1 对宜家品牌调查问卷的设计与发放    11
    4.3.2消费者对宜家家居品牌的认知情况分析    11
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