    The Problems of Network Marketing of e-commerce platform for nursery stock industry and Corresponding Suggestions——Taking Sweet-scented Osmanthus as an Example
    Abstract:The appearance of Internet e-commerce platform makes the publicity of commodity information more convenient, various, and apparent. Currently, the marketing mode to seek supply and demand information through Internet has become a main means of business transaction. The development of informazation plays an increasingly important role in promoting nursery stock industry. As a result, the specialized e-commerce platform for nursery stock industry emerged at the moment. Due to the beginning stage of e-commerce platform for nursery stock industry, there is much space for websites of nursery stock industry to improve. This essay studies websites for nursery stock industry with the sweet-scented osmanthus as an example, points out the problems of e-commerce platforms for nursery stock industry in network marketing, and proposes corresponding resolutions to these problems, which will promote e-commerce of nursery stock industry to develop continuously.
    Keywords: nursery stock;e-commerce platform;network marketing;standard;logistics
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    一、 引言    1
    二、 文献综述    1
    (一)发展前景    1
    (二)现状    2
    三、 苗木电商平台现状    2
    (一)网站调研    2
    1.网站主页面    4
    2.商品搜索    4
    3.商品信息    5
    4.供求信息和行业资讯    5
    5.网站客服    5
    (二)调研总结    6
    四、 问题分析    6
    (一)苗木网站    6
    1. 产品    6
    2. 管理    7
    3. 售后    7
    (二)企业和苗农    7
    1.品牌意识    7
    2.网络营销观念    7
    (三)政府    8
    1. 网络基础设施    8
    2. 物流链    8
    五、 对策研究    8
    (一)苗木网站    8
    1. 农产品术语标准化    8
    2.制定完善的商品标准规则    9
    3.建立信用评估    9
    4.加强网站客服建设    9
    (二)企业和苗农    9
    (三)政府    9
    1. 加强网络基础设施建设    9
    2. 向农民提供技术保障    9
    3. 建立并完善安全可靠的信用支付系统    10
    4.提高物流信息化    10
    5.建立物流标准化    10
    致谢    10
    参考文献:    10
    一、    引言
  1. 上一篇:赠品的消费者偏好及其营销策略
  2. 下一篇:有机农产品草莓体验式营销探索
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