    摘要:改革开放以来, 随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,越来越多的人开始关注公益领域,为数众多的非营利组织开始迅速出现。非营利组织以机构灵活、适应性强的特点迅速发展于当下中国,但活动内容杂,服务方向分散,资源与品牌意识的匮乏却制约了其能效。并且,绝大多数社会大众对非营利组织没有具体认知,理念匮乏,而组织内部更是缺乏统一的机制和管理。尽管当前已经出现了许多具有专业服务性的机构,但是严重缺乏类似的支持型机构。要使得中国的非营利组织取得一个长远的良性发展,公益项目品牌化不失为一个有效的方法。本文通过理论研究、案例分析、访谈问卷等方法来研究,以上海某机构发起的BSP 方案为切入点展开研究。品牌化要走上正轨,需要通过外界的支持从而促使内部人员的自我增能,唤醒其意识和能力的双重觉醒。而对于品牌自身,并不是将其局限于一种单纯筹款的工具,而是一种于内于外两个层面的组织认同感。34634
    毕业论文关键词: 品牌化;增能 ;认同感 ;非营利组织管理
    A Practical Analysis of Branding of Commonweal Projects
                  ——Taking BSP as an Example
    Abstract:Since the Reform and Opening-Up Policy and the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system, more and more people began to pay close attention to commonweal thus a large number of nonprofit organizations have been rapidly set up. Yet the lack of the awareness of resources and branding, distraction of services and the disorder of activities hold back the efficiency of the quick-developing nonprofit organizations, despite their strong flexibility. Also, most of the people have little understanding on nonprofit organizations and there is not enough unified mechanism and management for these organizations. Professional service organizations have appeared in the present stage; however, the similar supporting organizations are under a great need. In order to obtain a long-term benign development, branding of commonweal projects might be an effective method for China’s nonprofit organizations. In this thesis, the author set up his research under theoretical researches, case analysis, and interview and questionnaire analysis, taking a BSP program initiated by an institution in Shanghai as an example. Outside supports is essential for the branding to be on track, as well as the staff development of awakening their awareness and abilities. And a brand itself should not be limited to a tool of collecting funds but also a type organization identity from both outside and inside.
    Keywords: Branding; Ability development; Identity; Management of nonprofit organizations
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 国外相关研究综述    2
    (二) 国内相关研究综述    2
    (三) 研究的发展趋势    3
    三、理论框架与研究方法    4
    (一) 理论框架    4
    1、 双因素理论    4
    2、 增能    4
    3、 自觉与自决    5
    (二) 研究方法    5
    四、项目综述    5
    (一) BSP方案相关信息简述    5
    (二) BSP方案具体实施内容及成效简述    8
    五、结论与建议    11
    (一) 结论    11
    (二) 建议    14
    致谢    16
    参考文献    16
    附录    19
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