    The Research of Kraft’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    Abstract: The main point of this paper is analyzing the corporate social responsibility of Kraft Foods Co Ltd, the implementation, and the survey of its current customers to comprehensively demonstrate whether can the integral marketing of Kraft adapt to the environment meet the Chinese market demand, or meet the needs of customers. And make some recommendations for the corporate social responsibility to be better explore the market and retain customers. The paper not only introduced the Kraft Group’s corporate status, management, but also introduced the main research content which is human resources security system and supply chain to introduce the Kraft’s CRS. The paper focuses on the implementation of the incentive to attract and position and the paper cut from the point of view of the problem and propose solutions. Facing Chinese food safety issues, this article discusses the Kraft is how to grasp the market environment and seize the hearts of consumers to implement its social responsibility. Finally, the overall implementation of the plan to make an appraisal, which can draw on for other enterprise and which is the need for improvement in the future. I hope that through the specific analysis of this paper points to the corporate social responsibility of Kraft, Chinese enterprises and investors can pay more attention to the social responsibility in order to provide a good premise for enterprises to improve competitiveness and grief for consumers.
    Keywords:  Social Responsibility;Supply Chain;Management;Human Resources
    目   录
    引言    1
    一、研究背景    2
    (一)卡夫的企业社会责任概况分析    2
    (一)卡夫所处的环境分析    2
    1、宏观环境    3
    2、卡夫企业的SWOT与其企业社会责任的关联    3
    二、卡夫自身社会责任属性要求分析    4
    (一)产品生命周期对卡夫履行社会责任的要求分析    4
    (二)企业环境暴露程度对卡夫履行社会责任的影响分析    5
    三、影响社会责任融入卡夫业务的关键因素分析    5
    (一)企业因素    6
    1、企业地位    6
    2、管理模式    7
    (二)人力资源管理保障体系    8
    1、人员的吸纳、文系    9
    2、人员的激励    10
    3、人员角色定位    10
    四、卡夫企业社会责任中的问题与对策    11
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