    Work improvement research based on IE in a hypermarket queuing system
    Abstract:Queuing phenomenon is very common in our daily life. How to solve the problem of queuing effectively, shorten waiting time, improve the service efficiency and satisfaction has become a problem that the service industry needs to cope with urgently. The queue management should not only optimize ways and rules of queuing from the administrators’ perspective, but also deal with the difficulties and unsatisfied factors encountered in queuing and waiting in line from the position of customers. However, there is rarely guidance of systematic theory about queue management refers to the current domestic retail sales industry. Therefore, this article aiming at supermarket will make a tentative research on related theory about queue management for customers.
    Industrial engineering is a branch subject which takes reducing costs, improving quality and efficiency as the center of the discipline, and its application has extended from manufacturing to service industry. Many foreign large enterprises have applied the technology of industrial engineering in its own management. Under this trend, supermarket introduces methods and techniques of industrial engineering and takes them into practice to improve their own quality, promote efficiency and reduce costs so that they can be in an impregnable position in the fierce competition.
    In this paper, the dynamic cashier service queuing system will be studied analyzed and optimized based on the interests of the customer, the cashier and the supermarket three aspects to consider. The article using the basic method of industrial engineering in order to provide useful suggestions about cashier work to improve the service quality and service efficiency, which is to further enrich the industrial engineering applications and to provide reference for industrial engineering and other work about the enterprise application.
    Key Words:Industrial engineering; Queuing system; Time management; Field management; Process optimization
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景及问题的提出    1
    (二) 研究的目的及意义    1
    1、研究目的    1
    2、研究意义    2
    (三) 国内外相关研究综述    2
    1、国外研究现状    2
    2、国内研究现状    3
    二、研究的理论基础综述    3
    (一)工业工程的概念    3
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