    Urban housing problem is a big problem that our country in the economic development and urbanization process, the problem has gradually become the hot issues of our country government and people pay attention to.
    Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development maintained a long-term trend of rapid growth, the living standards of the people in our country can be significantly improved. At the same time the overall living conditions of urban residents also made unprecedented progress.
    However, in 21st century, home prices accelerated rise in a straight line with China's per capita income growth is the contradiction between the slow are becoming increasingly acute. Therefore, the housing problem has become one of the problems of social harmony and stability and development of the biggest problems to realize national rejuvenation. So, especially in our legal system country housing system has become an important system to solve the housing problems of China's urban low-income groups of. In this paper, the existing commercial housing, economic application of the housing, public rental housing, low-cost housing and other systems on legal, security, finance and other neighborhood on China's housing system for analysis, the exploration and suggestion, in order to ensure that the housing system of our country in accordance with the laws and regulations of solving more residents of the housing problem.
    Keywords: housing system; urban housing; reform; evolution;
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、住房制度概述及其重要性    1
    1.1住房制度概论    1
    1.1.1我国的住房制度    1
    1.2住房制度的重要性    2
    1.2.1住房公积金制度    2
    1.2.2住房保障制度    2
    1.3住房制度演变和发展    2
    二、现行住房制度存在的问题    4
    2.1商品房住房制度    4
    2.2经济适用房住房制度    7
    2.3公共租赁房住房制度    8
    2.4廉租房住房制度    10
    三、解决的方法及对策    11
    3.1提高政府监管力度,完善住房政策    11
    3.2完善商品房广告预审制度    11
    3.3改善交通环境,提高绿化质量    11
    3.4政府集中空置房转租    12
    总结    13
    参考文献:    14
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