    毕业论文关键词:地方门户网站   泰无聊网站   用户体验   营销优化
     The Optimization of the Marketing Strategy for “Tai Wuliao” Website
    Abstract:With the popularity of mobile terminals, internet is combined with mobile terminal. The Mobile Internet Era has arrived. As the first comprehensive portal website in Taizhou, “Taiwuliao” website is now standing in fierce competition environment. So it is urgent for “Taiwuliao” website to seize the opportunities in the Mobile Internet Era and adjust its marketing strategy to defeat many of his competitors. Based on the brief introduction of “Taiwuliao” website’s situation, this paper analyses “Taiwuliao” website’s marketing environment and some problems existing in his marketing. According to the analysis, this paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions from the point of marketing optimization for “Taiwuliao” website. They are clarifying marketing position, optimizing products, improving User Experience, and enhancing website’s stickiness. This research has strong reference significance for the construction of “Taiwuliao” website and other local portal websites.
    Key Words:local portal websites,   “Taiwuliao” website,   User Experience, marketing optimization
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究意义    2
    二、泰无聊网站及其运营现状简介    3
    (一)泰无聊网站介绍    3
    (二)泰无聊网站市场占有率    4
    (三)泰无聊网站盈利模式    4
    三、泰无聊网站市场营销环境分析    5
    (一)宏观环境分析    5
    (二)波特五力模型分析    6
    (三)SWOT分析    9
    四、泰无聊网站营销中的问题分析    12
    (一)市场定位不够鲜明    12
    (二)产品多元化亟待提高    12
    (三)品牌知名度仍待提高    13
    (四)缺乏相关措施增加用户黏性    13
    五、泰无聊网站营销优化策略建议    14
    (一)明确市场定位    14
    (二)产品优化:多元化+特色化    15
    (三)增强网站吸引力,提升网站知名度    16
    (四)改善用户体验,增强网站黏性    18
    优尔、结论    21
    参考文献    22
    致谢    24
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