    毕业论文关键词: 服务型企业;劳务派遣;员工;绩效
    Impact of service enterprise dispatching staff performance
    Abstract:In recent years, the industrial transfer which are under the background of economic globalization and an increasing number of the growth of enterprises and employment are pushing to expedite service outsourcing, and also improving development of the labor dispatch mode. The labor dispatch is regarded as a product of the market economy, has already become a mainstream mode of employment, and it also plays an important role of employment promoting ,human resources cost reducing and labor disputes avoiding.But with the increase in the number of dispatch and in the service sector the proportion increases, there has a great number of problems, such as equal work with low pay, organizational identity, low job satisfaction, low loyalty, low job performance, high turnover rates and other issues are all becoming an increasing prominent, seriously affecting the labor dispatch staff’s job performances, dispatch staff norms, managements, incentives and other issues are very serious and they are still waiting to cope with.
    Key words:Service sector; dispatch; staff; Performance
     目  录
    一、绪论    2
    (一)研究背景及研究意义    2
    1、研究背景    2
    2、研究意义    2
    (二)研究方法    2
    (三)国内外研究评述    2
    二、劳务派遣对员工绩效的作用机理分析    5
    (一)通过影响员工幸福感影响员工绩效    5
    (二)通过影响员工公平感影响员工绩效    5
    (三)通过影响员工参与度影响员工绩效    5
    三、服务型企业劳务派遣用工对员工绩效影响分析的实证研究    6
    (一) 实证基础    6
    1、模型选择    6
    2、 问卷设计    6
    3、样本概况    6
    (二)实证的过程    7
    1、 描述性统计及数据说明    7
    2、 数据可靠性分析    7
    3、 因子分析    7
    四、提升服务型劳务派遣用工对员工绩效影响效果的措施    9
    (一)提升员工幸福感    9
    1、给予员工合适的工作职位    9
    2、为员工营造良好的工作环境    9
    3、出台适当的标准以衡量员工的工作成果    10
    4、制定合理的薪酬体系    10
    (二)加强员工公平感    10
    1、建立绩效考评体系以做到奖惩分明    10
    2、多因素参与分配以做到同工同酬    10
    (三)提高员工参与度    11
    五、结论    11
    致谢    13
    参考文献    14
    附录 服务型企业劳务派遣用工对员工绩效的影响调查问卷    15
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