    Assessment of the safety status of the use and storage of toxic products of a company
    Abstract: In recent years, with the economy booming, the chemical industry as a basis industry was developing rapidly. The numbers of chemical companies were also increasing. The production of chemicals were not only promoting economic development and improving the life quality, but also brought security problems which could not be ignored. The raw materials, semi-finished products, byproducts, waste products in Chemical production process often had a dangerous. It often accompanied with explosive, toxic, corrosive and other hazards. It could easily result in large casualties. Therefore, at this stage carrying out a comprehensive evaluation in the source of the danger of chemical companies had important practical significance.
       Through analysis on existing research results at home and abroad and of a chemical companies in the field of research, the use of a chemical enterprise toxic chemicals storage safety analysis and chemical enterprises of dangerous source of comprehensive evaluation index system and evaluation of comprehensive security analysis method was studied, to guide chemical enterprises of dangerous source monitoring and accident prevention, to reduce the accident rate, reduce the loss and achieve optimal security investment efficiency has important significance.
    Keywords: chemical company; hazard; safety assessment; reform measures
    1绪论    1
    1.1 目的和意义    1
    1.2 文献综述    2
    1.2.1  安全评价的国内外进展与现状    2
    2安全评价方法    6
    2.1 安全评价的定义和程序    6
    2.2 主要安全评价方法    6
    2.2.1 事故树法    6
    2.2.2 作业条件危险性评价法    8
    2.2.3 预先危险分析法    10
    3某剧毒品使用、储存过程的危险有害因素辨识    12
    3.1 评价对象概况    12
    3.2 评价范围    12
    3.3 物质危险有害因素辨识    12
    3.4 生产过程危险有害因素分析    14
    3.4.1 物质事故类型分析    14
    3.4.2 职业病危害类型    16
    3.4.3 生产过程危险有害因素结论    17
    3.5 平面布置分析    17
    3.6 外部环境分析    17
    3.7 重大危险源辨识过程    18
    4某剧毒品使用、储存过程的安全评价    20
    4.1 作业条件危险性分析法    20
    4.2 预先危险性评价法    21
    4.2.1预先危险性分析小结    27
    4.3 事故树法    28
    4.3.1最小割集    28
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