    摘要:当前我国正处于一个快速城市化时期,徐州作为东部发达省份的城市,自身的城市化发展速度也正不断提高,但是与同处江苏省的其他地区,尤其是苏南地区而言,徐州城市化发展存在着速度较快综合水平较低,城市化率低于全省均值的现状经济城市化方面,第一产业从业人员与产值占比过大,产业结构存在矛盾,经济开放性不足明显;同时多方面的城乡差异使得农村人口向城市集中的成本和难度增加,城市化向农村推进受到阻碍。本文立足于单一的城市人口指标以及城市化质量综合指标,分析徐州城市化存在的阻力因素,从问题现状出发,提出徐州城市化发展速度与水平应当结合地区经济、人口和资源特点制定相应对策。在经济结构方面,改善产业结构,文持工业高速发展,增强第三产业竞争力;在地区经济发展方面,加强周边城市的经济交通联系,努力缩小城乡发展差异,积极吸引外资提升经济开放性;在城市化进程推进中注意土地资源的合理利用,同时制定发展规划时也应注重水安全和生态要求。  37378
    毕业论文关键词:徐州  城市化  阻力因素   对策 
    Abstract:  As our country is in a period of rapid urbanization  ,  Xuzhou,  which lays  in one of the most economic development province, has a rising urbanization rate. There is also a bit of disparity between Xuzhou and the other cities, especially the cities in south Jiangsu province. The urbanization of Xuzhou is at a top speed but the level of it is  lower than the average of the status in Jiangsu province. The proportion of employment in primary industryis too large and  the industrial structure  is a bit of unreasonabe.    At the same time the great difference between urban and rural areas worsen  the state of affairs  .Thus this article analyze the problems Xuzhou had have during the urbanization, such as a contradiction of industrial structure, insignificancy of economicopenness, Urban-rural differences and local factors, by both single indicators of the urbanization and complex h single indicators. In the last methods for the problem above will be put forward, such as optimize industry structure,  attract foreign investment, balance urban and rural development, To strengthen economic ties between regions,and so on. 
    Keywords:  Xuzhou  urbanization  resistance  countermeasure
    1.  绪论      ·  1
    1.1研究背景       1
    1.2文献综述       1
    2.  基本概念和主要理论     ·  1
    2.1基本概念       1
    2.2主要理论       2
    2.3研究区简介       2
    3.  徐州城市化的现状分析     ·  2
    3.1以城市人口占比为指标的城市化率分析     ·  2
    3.2以城市化质量综合指标分析   ·  3
    3.2.1 城市居民生活水平及社会保障水平分析    ·  4
    3.2.2 徐州经济城市化水平分析      4
    3.2.3 地域景观城市化分析      5
    4.徐州城市化的阻力分析        5
    4.1产业结构与人口就业因素   ·  5
    4.1.1 产业结构矛盾明显       6
    4.1.2 城市产业对剩余劳动力吸纳能力不足     ·  6
    4.2 城乡差异因素        7
    4.2.1 城乡收入及生活成本差距大      7
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