    Micro blogging new network applications both social functions and media properties in recent years, to the rise and development of an unstoppable parade, just as the United States, "the Times said:" micro-blog is the pulse of the Earth ", Ever micro blogging marketing responsibility and become a vital new era a new model of network marketing.
    However, although companies have already realized the importance of micro blogging marketing, and indeed, some enterprises have tasted the micro blogging marketing sweetness, but there are still more companies with little success, mainly including not correctly grasp the whole marketing system the status, the lack of a scientific theory of professional guidance, as well as to improve the efficiency of the marketing strategy did not work out in practice.
    Mentioned in this article VANCL, subordinate clothing and network at the same time, the purchase of the two major industries in 2010 is called "the first year of the development of micro blog, the first to enter the micro blogging platform, and to carry out a large-scale micro-Bo marketing plan. This paper aims to dig and reasonable analysis VANCL this more successful micro blogging marketing case, which roughly summarizes the VANCL micro blogging marketing strategies, and some referential micro blogging marketing inspiration for other companies.
    Keywords: micro blogging; marketing strategy; VANCL
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 研究背景    6
    1.11 网络对接“微时代”    6
    1.12 企业增添“微动力”    7
    1.2 文献综述    7
    1.21 国外文献综述    7
    1.22 国内文献综述    8
    1.3 研究目的及意义    8
    1.31 研究目的    8
    1.32 研究意义    9
    1.4 研究方法与创新之处    9
    1.41 研究方法    9
    1.42创新之处    9
    2 微博营销的现状分析    10
    2.1 微博营销现状的SWOT分析    10
    2.11 优势    10
    2.12 劣势    11
    2.13 机会    11
    2.14 威胁    12
    2.2 企业微博营销的现存误区    12
    2.21高估其地位    12
    2.22夸大其能力    12
    2.23急功近利    13
    2.24营销策略不得当    13
    3 凡客诚品微博营销的策略选择    13
    3.1 B2C企业的微博营销现状    13
    3.11 B2C行业的微博营销概况    13
    3.12 B2C企业的微博营销理想模式    14
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