    摘要:通过文献查阅、调查问卷、实地走访等研究方式,对南通市三个社区(二案社区、城南社区、起凤社区)不同年龄阶段、不同身体状况的276位老人的养老模式和养老需求进行调研。发现目前社区养老存在三种方式,分别是健康老人选择的居家养老、半自理老人选择的社区+居家养老、完全无自理能力老人选择的社区机构养老三种方式;健康老人的养老服务需求主要集中在室内外活动场所设施、退休后精神安慰、再就业等咨询、医疗体检等方面。半自理老人的养老服务需求集中在日常生活协助主要包括:家政服务、送餐、采购,日见照料、医疗保健护理、精神支持;完全无自理能力老人的服务需求主要集中在社区养老机构医疗护理服务以及相应的心里抚慰, 据此构建出与需求相匹配的社区居家养老设施的类型体系,从设施的服务对象、服务功能、服务标准和规范等方面明确其功能和定位,以其为城市社区养老设施的规划建设提供理论参考和建议。40173
    [毕业论文关键词]:养老设施   类型体系  功能定位
     Abstract: Through literature review, questionnaires, field visits and other research methods, to Nantong three communities (two cases community, south of the community, from the Phoenix community) of different ages, pension model and pension needs of different physical conditions of 276 elderly people for research . Found that the current pension community, there are three ways, which are selected healthy elderly home care, semi-self-care for the elderly selected community + home care, community agencies pension completely self-care for the elderly choose three ways; the demand for health care services for the elderly focuses indoor and outdoor venues facilities, spiritual comfort after retirement, re-employment counseling, medical examination and other aspects. Semi themselves elderly care services focused on the needs of daily life assistance include: Housekeeping, room service, purchasing, has become increasingly care, medical health care, spiritual support; completely self-care services for the elderly in the community focused on the needs of the pension agency Medical Care service and the corresponding heart soothe, thus constructed and the type of system that matches the needs of the community home-based care facilities, specifically in terms of its functionality and positioning facility clients, services, service standards and norms, with its urban communities planning and construction of facilities for the elderly to provide a theoretical reference and recommendations.
    [Keywords]: Pension Facilities   Type System    Function Positioning
    引言:    6
    1、社区养老与养老服务需求调研    6
    1.1研究样本的选择    6
    1.1.1样本及选择的依据    6
    1.1.2 样本社区的选择及其概况    6
    1.1.3调查问卷设计与调查方式选择    7
    1.2社区养老模式下养老方式的调研    7
    1.2.1  社区老年人年龄层次结构    7
    1.2.2  社区养老模式下的养老方式    8
    1.3社区养老模式下的养老服务需求的调研    9
    1.3.1 完全自理、健康老人的养老服务需求    9
    1.3.2 依赖社区服务的居家老人的养老服务需求    9
    1.3.3 社区机构养老的养老服务需求    9
    2、社区养老模式及养老服务需求的趋势分析    10
    2.1 社区养老情形下养老方式的现状及趋势    10
    2.2 养老服务需求的现状及趋势    10
    3、与需求相匹配的设施类型体系建构    11
    3.1 需求情形下的社区养老设施类型体系    11
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