    毕业论文关键词:汽车零部件 库存管理 供应链 采购管理 供应商
    Bosch auto parts company inventory management optimization
    Abstract: Today, with the rapid development of the market economy and the automotive industry, auto parts industry as one of the upstream industry is playing an increasingly important role, but also the focus of the entire automotive industry. But now products, rapid technological change update, market environment also changes, automotive industry also will usher in greater challenges and tests. In this context, inventory management for business discussion once again become a hot research, it is the business operation and management of the core content, to gain greater market share and competitiveness beneficial it must be between inventory levels and customer service levels to seek a balance, thus control the cost of doing business in the ground up to maximize profits.
    The article is Bosch automotive parts company as a case background, from the perspective of internal and external supply chain enterprises to analyze problems of its current inventory management status and generated, using of relevant theoretical knowledge,.For example, from procurement management, vendor selection, the conduct aspects of inventory management and inventory control methods, such as corporate strategy at this stage using an in-depth analysis, proposing corresponding solutions, optimizing the supply chain for inventory management methods, to help enterprises to reduce production costs and accelerate speed to market and improve customer service levels.
    Key Words:auto parts,  inventory management,  supply chain,  purchasing management,  supplier
    目 录
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景    - 1 -
    (二)研究意义    - 2 -
    (三)国内外研究现状    - 4 -
    二、供应链环境下库存管理相关理论    - 6 -
    (一)供应链库存管理    - 6 -
    (二)供应链合作关系管理    - 8 -
    (三)供应链采购管理    - 8 -
    三、博世汽车零部件企业库存管理问题分析    - 10 -
    (一)博世汽车零部件企业背景介绍    - 10 -
    (二)博世汽车零部件企业库存管理问题分析    - 10 -
    四、博世汽车零部件企业库存管理改进策略    - 13 -
    (一)与供应商互动,建立战略合作伙伴关系    - 13 -
    (二)运用供应链库存管理方法    - 14 -
    (三)建立供应链管理信息系统    - 15 -
    (四)供应链下采购管理的实施    - 16 -
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