
    摘  要:回顾我国的历史发展进程,在改革开放后,我国的建筑业犹如雨后春笋般的茁壮成长。建筑业在不断发展的同时,安全事故发生率也居高不下。建筑事故的发生无疑对经济造成损失及人员的伤亡,而为了避免这一系列惨剧,做好安全教育就是迫在眉睫了。41831




    毕业论文关键词: 安全事故;安全教育;安全教育体系;安全因素;  

    Safety Education Research Of Construction Enterprise

    Abstract:Looking back on the course of the historical development of our country, after the reform and opening , the construction industry in our country is springing up like mushrooms.Construction industry is in the continuous development ,at the same time, the safety accident rate is also high.The occurrence of the construction accident is no doubt that the economic losses and casualties, and in order to avoid this series of tragedies, do a good job safety education is imminent.

    By studying the construction of the Ministry of Construction released the report of the construction accident, analysis report, from the data analysis, show that the main safety accidents have aerial falling objects, scaffolding collapse, electric shock, etc.The construction site of a small security factors, if not timely correction, the future will eventually lead to the end of a certain day of construction safety accidents.The main factors of the accident is due to the lack of safety education and lack of construction workers safety education level, it will make the construction personnel during the construction does not comply with the safety production regulations, behavior was not standardized, consciousness does not reach the designated position is the fuse of the safety accidents. Therefore, to improve the enterprise staff safety education, to enhance safety awareness and production skills, is to solve the problem of the effective condition of the high incidence of accidents.

    In this paper, the analysis of the high incidence of safety accidents and the causes of accidents, and the current situation of our country's safety education, put forward that the safety education system is not perfect enough to lead to frequent accidents in China. Therefore leads to the main body to construct a complete safety education system, including the government, construction enterprises, construction workers safety education by prior to the literature consult and draw lessons from foreign advanced experience to perfect the safety education system.

    The main idea of this paper is to study the safety accident report, and comes to a conclusion that the safety education in China lack, and in reference to the experience of the safety education of the foreign advanced countries, combined with China market in the construction industry and the situation in our country is corrected, construct a relatively complete safety education system, finally realize the purpose of reducing safety accidents.

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