
    摘要: 从我国步入人口老龄化国家行列的这17年以来,农村区域养老保障问题一直层出不穷。近年来农村孤寡、单身老年人口的激增,致使农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求问题突显,这引起了政府和社会的广泛关注。笔者基于养老保障理论、需求理论等基本理论,运用文献研究、调查问卷和个案访谈等方法对贵州省独山县麻尾镇A村的30位鳏寡老人进行农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求研究。调查发现,由于家庭养老功能弱化、养老保障制度不健全、劳动力的流出、老年人落后的思想观念等因素,导致农村鳏寡老人的养老保障需求普遍得不到满足,尤其是在经济救助、生活照料、医疗保健、精神慰藉等方面需求严重缺失。要满足鳏寡老人养老保障需求,应发挥政府满足农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求的主导作用,发挥社会满足农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求的协同和老人满足自身养老需求的自理作用。41837

    毕业论文关键词: 农村;鳏寡老人;养老保障;需求

    Research on the demand of social endowment security problems of rural single elderly

    -- Taking A village in Mawei town,Dushan County of Guizhou Province as an example

    Abstract: Since our country stept into the population aging countries for 17 years, rural areas have been an endless stream of old-age endowment security issues. In recent years rural single aged population surge, leading to rural single elderly pension demand highlights, which caused the extensive concern of both the government and the society. The author based on the basic theory of old-age security theory and demand theory, using the method of literature study, questionnaire and case interview to A village in Mawei town,Dushan County of Guizhou Province, with 30 single old man, doing the rural single elderly endowment security demand research. Survey found that due to the weakening of the function of family pension, not sound old-age endowment security system, labor outflow and the elderly backward ideas, which lead to rural single elderly endowment security requirements not met generally, especially in economic aid, life care, health care, medical treatment and spiritual comfort needs lack seriously. To meet the demand of the single old-age endowment security, government should play to meet the leading role of the demand of rural single elderly endowment security, play social meet the demand of rural single elderly endowent security coordination, and the function of the old men’s endowment demand on their own.

    Key Words:  Country; Single old man; Endowent security; Demand 


    一、绪论 8

    (一)研究目的和意义 8

      1、研究目的  8

      2、研究意义  8

    (二)研究现状 9

      1、国外研究现状  9

      2、国内研究现状 10

    (三)研究发展趋势  12

    (四)研究的基本理论  12

      1、社会福利理论 12

      2、需求理论 12

    (五)研究方法  13

      1、文献研究方法 13

      2、访谈法 13

      3、问卷调查法 13

    二、农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求概述  14


    1、农村鳏寡老人概念的界定 14

    2、农村养老保障概念的界定 14

    3、老年人养老需求概念的界定 14

    (二)独山县麻尾镇及A村鳏寡老人的基本状况  15

    三、农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求存在的主要问题  15

    (一)经济收入方面  16

    (二)生活照料方面  17

    (三)医疗保健方面  18

    (四)精神慰藉方面  19

    四、农村鳏寡老人养老保障需求的特点  20

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