
    摘要当今社会,网络迅速发展,其覆盖面越来越广, 因此任何企业的危机都会暴露在公共环境之下,并且迅速传播开来,这便使得企业面对的舆论压力越来越多。企业领导者逐渐认识到,企业如果想要持续生存并且不断发展,就必须要深刻认识危机公关所带来的危害性。只有正确处理好危机事件,才能使危机有效化解,不影响企业以后的发展。42096

    本文从农夫山泉近几年来的一系列危机事件出发进行研究分析, 一开始从基本概念入手,详细介绍了公共关系,危机,危机管理以及危机公关的基本含义,然后对四次危机事件进行基本回顾,并通过危机事件发展的五个阶段进行分析;其次根据危机公关处理的5s原则来对四次危机事件进行分析;最后通过调查和查阅资料给出企业面对危机事件处理的相关建议。


    Abstract Nowadays, with the network developed rapidly, its coverage is more and more wide, so any enterprise's crisis will be exposed in the public environment and quickly spread, which makes the enterprise to face the pressure of public opinion more and more. Business leaders have gradually realized that if enterprises want to survive and continue to develop, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the dangers posed by the crisis of public relations. Only by correctly handling the crisis, can the crisis be resolved effectively without affecting the future development of enterprises. 

    This article embarks from the farmer mountain spring in recent years a series of crisis event to carry on the research analysis, starting from the basic concepts, detailing the public relations, crisis, crisis management and crisis public relations the basic meaning. Then the four crisis events are reviewed, and the five stages of the development of the crisis event are analyzed. Secondly, according to the 5S principle of the crisis public relations, we will deal with the analysis of the four crisis events. Finally, this article will give to enterprises in the face of the relevant recommendations of the crisis, through the investigation and access to information. 

    Key words: crisis; crisis public relations; public relations; public relations strategy 

    目  录

    一、绪论 5

    (一)研究背景 5

    (二) 研究目的和意义 5

    (三) 相关概念界定 6

    二、农夫山泉四次危机事件回顾和基本分析 9

    (二)农夫山泉四次危机事件中企业的做法分析 10

    三、农夫山泉5s原则的运用 14

    (一)以承担责任原则来体现企业积极态度 14

    (二) 以真诚沟通原则来解决公众矛盾 15

    (三) 以速度第一原则来做出回应 16

    (四) 以系统运行原则来从根本上解决危机 17

    (五)以权威证实原则来重拾消费者的信任 17

    四、“标准门”事件对农夫山泉品牌形象的影响 18

    五、企业面临危机事件时的建议 21

    (二)明确权责,建立危机指挥体系 22

    (三)调查事实,有效整合各类资源 22

    (四)快速反应,认真化解矛盾 22

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