


    The Influence of Population Aging on China's Economic Development

    Abstract: Population aging is the product of a certain stage of the development of human society since twenty-first Century, the aging population in almost every country to become an important factor to hinder the development of the world economy, caused the attention of all governments. Chinese has entered the aging society, for the sustainable development of China, the aging population has become one of the most important problem. With the deepening of the impact on economic development in current China increasingly significant. Therefore, in order to effectively alleviate the negative impact of aging population on the Chinese of social and economic development, analysis and put forward effective measures it is very urgent to study the aging population in China. In this paper the status quo of aging the population of China according to the basic situation of our country as the primary starting point. From the two aspects of positive and negative, analysis of population aging in China by Influence economic development. On this basis, through analysis of the developed countries cope with the aging of the population strategy, combined with the reality of our country, from the industrial structure, human capital, social security system, labor put forward corresponding policy recommendations, to ease the population aging in China to provide policy reference.

    Key Words:Aging Population;Economic Growth; Social Security

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract. 1

    一、我国人口老龄化现状及特点 2

    (一)我国人口老龄化的现状 2

    (二)我国人口老龄化的特点 3

    二、人口老龄化对我国经济发展的影响 5

    (一)人口老龄化对我国经济发展的积极影响 5

    (二)人口老龄化对我国经济发展的消极影响 6

    三、国外应对人口老龄化的经验借鉴 6

    (一)日本人口老龄化应对策略借鉴 7

    (二)意大利人口老龄化应对策略借鉴 8

    (三)德国人口老龄化应对策略借鉴 8

    (四)瑞典人口老龄化应对策略借鉴 9

    四、缓解我国人口老龄化不利影响的应对策略 9


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