
    摘要: 耀州窑在中国古代制瓷业的发展中占据重要的地位,耀州窑制瓷技艺是我国重要的非物质文化遗产。然而从我国传统手工艺传承和发展的实际现状来看,因社会群体受教育程度以及社会观念和体制等原因,传统手工艺没有得到相应的宣传和保护措施,仅在民间及其有限的区域自行发展,外界人士无人问津,甚至无人知晓。加之现如今全球化和现代化充斥着我们生活的方方面面,原本靠手工艺创作的产品逐步被科学技术创造出的自动化机械产品所替代,耀州窑制瓷的技艺越发被社会忽视,因此这项传统手工技艺的发展、保护与传承的问题甚是严峻。本文通过对国家级非物质文化遗产耀州窑制瓷技艺的发展了解和对目前保护现状的分析,研究所存在的现实问题,从而试图探析出综合可行的耀州窑制瓷技艺保护和传承的方法。42315


    The protection and inheritance of the technology of Yaozhou kiln porcelain under the impact of modern industrial products

    Abstract:Yaozhou kiln occupy an important position in the development of ancient Chinese porcelain industry and Yaozhou ceramic skills is an important intangible cultural heritage in China. However, according to the actual status of Chinese traditional handicraft art heritage and development, the traditional handicrafts in China has not receieved a corresponding promotion and protection measures due to the level of education,social group attitudes and institutional reasons.Only their own development in the private sector and a limited area, outsiders nobody cares, even unknown. Globalization and modernization is now filled with all aspects of our lives, handicraft products gradually being replaced by automated machinery products which are created by science and technology.Yaozhou ceramic skillsistry increasingly neglected by society, which make the development, protection and inheritance of this traditional craftsmanship become a serious problem.Based on the understanding of the development of Yaozhou ceramic skills(National Intangible Cultural Heritage), we analysis the conervation status and some serious problems inside in order to try to figure out a comprehensive and feasible solution on how to protect and inherit the Yaozhou ceramic skills.

     KeyWords: Yaozhou kiln;Yaozhou ceramic skills; intangible cultural heritage;inheritance 

     目  录

    一、 绪论 1

    (一) 选题的背景及意义 1

    (二) 概念界定 1

    1、 耀州窑 1

    2、 耀州窑制瓷技艺 2

    3、 非物质文化遗产 2

    (三)研究思路及方法 3

    1、 研究思路 3

    2、 研究方法 3

    二、 耀州窑传统制瓷技艺的历史和文化价值探析 4

    (一) 耀州窑传统制瓷技艺的历史发展综述 4

    (二) 历史上耀州窑制瓷技艺的文化与历史价值 5

    1、博采众长,具有独特的艺术文化价值 5

    2、见证历史,在中国古代瓷业发展史留下了辉煌的一页 6

    三、 耀州窑制瓷技艺传承现状调查

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