


    Study on Chinese Tourism to participate in carbon trading patterns——Take the domestic carbon exchange as an example

    Abstract    Carbon trading is internationally recognized as an effective means of reducing emissions. Chinese carbon trading pilot implementation of accumulated some experience. And Chinese carbon trading market is expected to start in 2017. Based on the Beijing environmental exchange, Shanghai energy exchange, tianjin emissions exchange and another several environmental exchange as the research object. Using mathematical statistics and comparative analysis of domestic main carbon trading for statistics and analysis. Research shows that carbon trading volume and carbon turnover have increased in 2015. The carbon trading market develop rapidly. More and more enterprises join the carbon market. This shows that the feasibility of tourism industry to participate in carbon trading is very large. According to the study, carbon trading is not only conducive to promote the carbon emissions, but also conducive to promote the sustainable development of tourism. Carbon trading plays an important role in the realization of the carbon reduction target of tourism industry. Tourism industry to participate in carbon trading is more able to explain Chinese energy saving and emission reduction on the determination.

    Key Words: Carbon trading;  Carbon trading market;  Low-carbon tourism;       Sustainable development

     目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II


    一、引言 1

    二、研究内容和相关理论基础 1

    (一)研究内容 1

    (二)碳交易的概念 2

    三、国内外相关文献回顾 2

    (一)国外相关文献发展回顾 2

    (二)国内相关文献发展回顾 2

    四、中国碳排放交易市场分析 3

    (一)中国碳交易市场概况 3

    (二)中国碳交易市场前景 3

    (三)中国主要碳排放交易所碳交易比较 4

    五、中国旅游业参与碳交易分析 5

    (一)中国低碳旅游的发展概况 5

    (二)旅游业与碳交易的关系 6

    (三)中国旅游业参与碳交易的可行性 6

    (四)中国旅游业参与碳交易的方式及对策 7

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