
    摘要:新世纪,伴随着网络的发展进步与普及,网络团购已逐步成为一种主要的购物方式, 各团购网站为了争夺市场发起了一轮又一轮激烈的竞争,那各团购网站如何在竞争中立于不败之地就变得尤为重要。文章以营销知识为基础分析团购网站发展现状,然后对拉手网目前的发展状况和营销策略进行4P分析,发现了拉手网存在商品同质化高,商家信誉度低,所提供的商品不能质量和价格兼顾,网站的市场占有率不稳定等一系列问题。提出了网站要适时推出新产品,与高信誉商家合作,兼顾所提供商品的质量和价格,稳定网站的市场占有率等一系列相应的解决办法,期待能对团购网站日后的发展提供一定的参考。42944


    Group LaShou Website Marketing Strategy Research

    Abstract:With the development and the popularity of the Internet.The Online Business  To Team has become into a major way of shopping in the new century .Websites of the Online Business To Team compete fiercely with each other to contend for market share.So it is particu-larly important for the websites to compete over market share and win the competition . This article based on the knowledge of marketing to analyze the trend of Online Business To Team websites. Last but not the least uses 4P marketing theories to analyzes the status quo and the Lashou,one of the chinese leading group buying websites. And the results that Lashou has some problems.such as high level of homogeneous ,low-credit of the dealers,products’price is incon-sistent with its quality and the unstable market share problem. The article will give you some suggestions about the development of the websites.The first one, the websites can introduce more new products to customers .The second one, they should cooperate with excellent credit dea-lers ,and at the same time, keep the balance between price and quality, make it available. Then they must figure out a way to stabilize the market share .I hope that this article can provide r-eference to the furthe development of the websites. 

    Key words: Group purchase; Marketing strategy; Lashou

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、团购及网络营销相关概述 2

    (一)团购的定义及特点 2

    (二)网络4P营销理论 3

    二、拉手网营销策略分析 4

    (一)团购网站发展现状 4

    (二)拉手网发展现状 4

    (三)拉手网营销策略4P分析 5

    三、拉手网营销策略存在的问题 7

    (一)商品同质化高且可信度低 7

    (二)商品价格和质量不能兼顾,市场占有率不稳定 7

    (三)营销可信度低,推广成本高,区域狭隘 8

    四、拉手网营销策略发展提升 9

    (一)推出新产品并与高信誉商家合作 9

    (二)质量价格兼顾,稳定市场占有率 9

    (三)提高营销可信度,降低成本,拓宽市场 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12




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