毕业论文关键词:大学生 网络团购 影响因素
Research on online group buying behavior of College Students
Abstract: Consumption patterns change from now on。 From the middle of the last century, the China carried out the planned economy。 Until the end of the mode of distribution of countryside and cities in the end of the free consumption patterns and then to today's online group buying form of consumption。 Nowadays, more than half of the people choose to believe that the Internet and pay in action。 This paper combines the college students and network buy。 Study of college students in the network group to buy the psychological characteristics and behavior such as angle, analysis network factors that affect college students Group buy, buy the development trend of and Countermeasures to deal with conditions。 From the students themselves, to buy goods of the type and quality, purchase and evaluation of the number of influencing factors of College Students' consumption behavior of attention of College Students' network buy, consumption and the network group to buy the market have important significance。
Key words: college student , online group shopping , influence factor
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究方法和内容 1
二、网络团购理论简介 3
(一)中国网络团购的发展历程 3
(二)网络团购的概念 4
(三)网络团购的优势 4
(四)网络团购的基本形式 4
(五)对主要团购网站的评价 5
三、大学生网络团购行为的主要影响因素分析 6
(一)个体基本特征 6
(二)心理特征 9
(三)商品价格 10
(四)商品及服务质量 11
(五)团购环境 11
(六)同质化现象 12
(七)行业监管力度 12
四、应对大学生网络团购的对策分析 12
(一)提高学生维权意识 12
(二)倡导学生消费理性化 13
(三)页面设计简单新颖 13
(四)提高产品服务质量 13
(五)健全网络法律法规 14