


    毕业论文关键词: 微信营销; 微信营销模式; 网络营销; 营销理论


    With the rapid development of science and technology continues to improve and the Internet, people's access to information, entertainment, communication, etc. undergone tremendous change its spread wide range of convenient and fast, rich content, interactive features, and lead into the global Internet era also contributed to microblogging, letters and other new social media emerged as companies seek business opportunities, an important platform for marketing. Micro letter released since January 2011 to the present, to reach 600 million active users, the face of such a huge customer base, companies should implement how to use the micro-channel marketing programs have become an important research direction of the enterprise.

    Such as micro-channel to the mobile Internet as the carrier's new social media tools, how to effectively use and the successful implementation of the marketing plan is an important marketing tool for every business, currently for micro-channel marketing research is not very much, this paper mainly through the micro-channel marketing business model analysis, summed up what model and explore the advantages and disadvantages of micro-channel marketing, learn from the experience of other companies to provide micro-channel marketing.

    Keyword: WeChat marketing; WeChat marketing mode; network marketing; marketing theory

    目    录

    一、绪论 6

    1.1选题背景及意义 6

    1.1.1选题背景 6

    1.1.2意义 6

    1.2国内外研究现状 7

    1.2.1国外研究现状 7

    1.2.2国内研究现状 7

    1.2.3国内外研究现状评述 8

    1.3研究方法 8

    二、化妆品企业的微信营销模式实证研究 8

    2.1移动广告模式 8

    2.2 O2O折扣式模式 9

    2.3社交分享模式 9

    2.4 品牌活动模式 10

    2.5互动营销式模式 10

    三、化妆品企业微信营销模式的理论基础依据探究 11

    3.1精准营销理论 11

    3.2促销理论 11

    3.3口碑营销理论 11

    3.4品牌营销理论 12


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