    关键词:国外地区 残疾儿童 社会福利 启示 对策
    Welfare system for disabled children
    in foreign countries and its revelation
    Abstract: Social security for disabled children is the common system of civilized society, inevitably there are some common properties. But national differences make the system special in different countries, show the characteristics of both mutual distinction and connected with each other. The research for people with disabilities is earlier abroad, probably Britain has studied for the disabled in the 17th century. The research of disabled children is also a lot, originally coming from legal research by education for disabled children. Related literature shows that foreign for disabled children’s right to education is mainly provided by relevant laws and regulations. Such as American’s “ All children with disabilities education act”, the UK “The Warnock report” ,South Korea ”Special education promotion law”, Israel” The special education law”. As can be seen from the experience of these countries and regions, relatively complete system of special education law to the education right of the disabled children have very good protection effect. In addition, through the legal mandatory to ensure effective implementation of special education, has become to measure a country’s standard whether the disabled to enjoy equal human rights. In this paper,some countries or regions disabled children welfare security system has carried on the comparative analysis, and put forward the reference in the disabled children’s welfare security system construction in our country and the reference suggestion.
    Key words: Areas abroad, the disabled children, the social welfare, revelation, countermeasures
    目  录
    摘要:    3
    关键词:    3
    Abstract:    4
    Key words:    4
    1绪论    5
    1.1选题背景    5
    1.2研究意义    5
    1.3研究思路、内容及方法    6
    1.3.1研究思路及内容    6
    1.3.2研究方法    6
    1.4研究创新点    7
    2相关概念界定及理论基础    7
    2.1相关概念的界定    7
    2.1.1残疾儿童    7
    2.1.2社会福利    8
    2.2理论基础    8
    2.2.1公共产品理论    8
    2.2.2福利多元理论    9
    2.2.3公民权利理论    9
    2.3理论在本文中的应用    9
    3国外残疾儿童福利制度概况    10
    3.1国际儿童福利制度的变迁    10
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