    With the rapid development of Chinese economy, China's joint-stock commercial bank has become an important part of China's banking system with its flexible mechanisms and more advanced concepts. In acting as a credit intermediary and payment intermediaries, variable savings and revenue for capital, creating credit in circulation tool and offering a variety of financial services, it plays an important role and supports SMEs and local economic development greatly. By 2014, the emerging national joint-stock commercial banks have developed into 13, with total assets after the five state-owned commercial banks.
    In today's post-WTO era, economic globalization and financial integration has become more evident in all areas of China's opening further strengthened. Therefore, to improve the international competitiveness of China's joint-stock commercial bank has the necessity. In the financial sector, the entry of foreign banks in China's financial reform will be pushed deeper level. Foreign banks in the Chinese market has long coveted, which by virtue of its various advantages, there are strategies to enter the Chinese market. The joint-stock commercial banks as a result of long-standing institutional and environmental constraints, resulting in many problems, and now are faced with the impact of foreign banks from the international experience and mature market interest rate market and other unfavorable factors. How to deal with the joint-stock commercial banks and how to develop a strategy to improve its international competitiveness? This is an important topic worthy of us to study.
    Key Words:Joint-stock Commercial Bank;International Competitiveness;
    Asset Quality;Financial Innovation
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract     Ⅱ
    一、引言    1
    ㈠ 研究背景及意义    1
    文献综述    1
    二、我国股份制商业银行国际竞争现状    4
    ㈠ 外部市场环境    5
    ㈡ 阻碍我国股份制商业银行发展的主要因素    6
    三、我国股份制商业银行国际竞争中存在的问题    7
    ㈠ 资本充足率与资产质量问题    7
    ㈡ 金融创新问题    8
    ㈢ 信贷管理问题    9
    ㈣ 经营风险问题    9
    ㈤ 市场定位及经营理念问题    9
    四、提高我国股份制商业银行国际竞争力的对策    10
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