    In recent years, with the rapid development of China's entertainment industry, the Reality Shows come out in an unending flow in our country.In early 2005 of the "happy girl", later like “I Am A Singer”, “The Amazing Race”, “Dad, where are we going?” and so on, which were imported the copyright from foreign one after another, almostfall over each other to appear in the audience, and obtained the national audience attention and enthusiastic response. And the name of G.E.M., was spread widely known by participating in “I Am A Singer” of Hunan TV. G.E.M. occupy the mainland market, even international Chinese market successfully with the identity of HK’s little star and active in people's field of vision. However, G.E.M. did not achieve only by the excellent platform of “I Am A Singer”, but the Hummingbird Music Group also plays an important role. This paper will take the "IAmA Singer" as the breakthrough point, based on the marketing theory like 4Ps marketing combinatorial theory and Porter's Five Forces Model, analyzing the success factors and marketing strategy of G.E.M. deeply and find its shorts, so as to bring enlightenment to marketing strategy of star even all Reality Shows.
    [Key Words]:G.E.M.;“I Am A Singer”;Success factors;The 4Ps marketing combinatorial theory
     目    录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    引言    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景及研究意义    - 1 -
    (二)研究思路及研究方法    - 1 -
    一、文献综述    - 2 -
    (一)关于4Ps营销组合理论的国内外研究    - 2 -
    (二)关于真人秀节目的国内外相关研究    - 2 -
    (三)关于《我是歌手》类型节目的国内外研究    - 2 -
    (四)研究启示    - 3 -
    二、《我是歌手》节目概况及其成功因素分析    - 3 -
    (一)《我是歌手》的节目概况    - 3 -
    (二)节目形式的创新是巨大亮点    - 4 -
    (三)充分挖掘广告潜力,强强联手,实现双赢    - 6 -
    (四)充分发挥湖南卫视的平台优势    - 7 -
    (五)节目悬念感增强了对观众的刺激    - 9 -
    三、邓紫棋概况及其“爆红”原因分析    - 9 -
    (一)邓紫棋的个人概况    - 10 -
    (二)邓紫棋独特的个人魅力    - 10 -
    (三)从街头演唱到“春晚”独唱    - 12 -
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