    摘要P2P借贷是peer to peer lending的缩写。网络借贷指的是借贷过程中,资料与资金、合同、手续等全部通过网络实现,它是随着互联网的发展和民间借贷的兴起而发展起来的一种新的金融模式。P2P网络借贷的兴起推动了中国金融创新的进步,同时也使得小额民间借贷的需求得到满足。P2P网络借贷平台被引进国内后发展迅猛,但是国内对其监管与法律几乎处于空白状态,法律与监管的不完善与缺失导致该行业混乱无序的发展;拍拍贷身为国内最早引入这种运营模式的公司,却未能将其规模做大。本文以拍拍贷公司为基础,结合相关的理论和数据,对国内P2P网络借贷平台的运营模式做一个浅析,从不同方面来分析P2P网络借贷平台发展所遇到的困境,同时提出相应的解决意见。45813
    毕业论文关键词:P2P; 运营模式; 拍拍贷
    P2P lending is a peer to peer lending abbreviations. Net lending refers to the user in the process of lending transactions occur through networks of all personal information and financial records, contracts, procedures, etc., it is a new step forward with the gradual rise of the Internet and the development of private lending up the financial model. The rise of P2P networks loans to promote the progress of China's financial innovation, but also makes small private lending needs are met. P2P network lending platform was introduced after the rapid development of the country, but their domestic regulatory and law is nearly blank, incomplete and lack of legal and regulatory confusion in the industry has led to the development of the disorder; PPDAI as the earliest introduction of this business model of the company, has not been able to expand its size. In this paper, PPDAI company, combined with relevant theory and data, with the analysis of PPDAI, the domestic lending platform P2P network operators an analysis model, to analyze different aspects of the development of P2P network lending platform encountered to the dilemma, and propose appropriate solutions based on the views of the respective problems.
    Key Words:P2P; Operating mode; PPDAI
    目   录
    摘  要    Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅱ
    一 绪论    1
    (一)选题意义    1
    (二)文献综述    1
    (三) 研究思路与研究方法    3
    二、拍拍贷的P2P网络借贷平台分析    3
    (一)拍拍贷公司简介及交易流程    3
    (二)拍拍贷的信用体系与风险控制    4
    (三)拍拍贷的盈利模式    7
    三、拍拍贷存在的问题分析    8
    (一)单一的盈利模式    8
    (二)风险控制水平较低    8
    (三)对于投资者的保障较低    9
    四、P2P网络借贷平台发展对策    9
    (一)完善法律与监管    9
    (二)建立起征信系统    10
    (三)完善盈利模式    10
    (四)提高网络安全技术    11
    (五)关注用户体验    11
    五、总结    12
    参考文献    13
    致    谢    14
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