    With the development of tourism industry in the global scope, the form of tourism has gradually increased, tourist need more and more new forms of tourism, during this period, Festival tourism through the holding of local characteristics and cultural connotation of the festival won the public's favor, the development of local tourism has played a more and more important role. On behalf of three representative festival events of Rape flower festival crab festival annual custom festival, and using the methods of literature review, questionnaire and field survey to study the present development situation of the “slow city”. By investigating the degree of satisfaction to tourism elements, to find the problem of development of event tourism, for example: The propaganda is weak: festival event is old. Then, putting forward the countermeasures of the improvement: strengthening publicity; improving service level and hardware facilities; innovating festival events; paying attention to the cultural connotation of festival tourism.
    Key words: leisure theory; slow city; event tourism
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.3研究思路    2
    1.4研究方法    2
    第二章  理论基础    3
    2.1文献综述    3
    2.1.1国内研究述评    3
    2.1.2国外研究现状述评    4
    2.2休闲理论    4
    2.3慢城    4
    2.4节庆的分类及节庆旅游    5
    2.4.1节庆的分类    5
    2.4.2节庆旅游    5
    2.5节庆与旅游及休闲的关系    5
    第三章  高淳“国际慢城”节庆旅游的发展条件及影响    7
    3.1高淳“国际慢城”发展节庆旅游的条件    7
    3.1.1“慢城”品牌与高淳节庆旅游产品的结合    7
    3.1.2休闲与高淳节庆旅游的互辅性    7
    3.2高淳“国际慢城”节庆旅游发展带来的影响    7
    3.2.1带动高淳旅游业发展    7
    3.2.2形象宣传    7
    3.2.3带动相关产业的繁荣和发展    7
    3.2.4继承和发扬传统文化    8
    第四章  高淳节庆旅游业的发展现状分析    9
    4.1高淳节庆旅游概述    9
    4.2问卷的设计与发放    9
    4.2.1问卷指标选取的依据    9
    4.2.2 问卷的设计    9
    4.2.3问卷的发放与回收    10
    4.3现状分析    10
    4.3.1高淳节庆旅游资源的开发现状分析    10
    4.3.2旅游者特征与客源市场现状分析    11
  1. 上一篇:南京民国建筑的保护与旅游开发
  2. 下一篇:大学生旅游心理对旅游目的地选择的影响
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