    ABSTRACT The modern world, the development of the Internet has brought the rise of e-commerce, information technology has become the mainstream of the times, all of the business only to meet the requirements of the times to survive and develop. The rise of the Internet, the development of e-commerce has spawned a new economy, making the century of economic globalization. With the promotion of science and technology and the arrival of economic globalization is more intense competition in the business, small and medium enterprises to survive the increasingly sinister environment. Small and medium-sized enterprises want to survive, you can choose to optimize the logistics distribution system, reduce logistics costs, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of themselves, from the many competitors stand out. This is one of the important ways to survive in the competitive market, which is to meet the challenge and to obtain the favorable market competition status.
    This paper will analyze the current situation of the logistics distribution system of Pan - skim rubber factory, find out the existing problems and can optimize the part, and find out the corresponding countermeasures. Based on the background of electronic commerce, the possibility of cooperation with other enterprises and the implementation of ERP system are discussed.
    Key words: logistics distribution;e-commerce;small and medium-sized enterprises; ERP
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章 选题背景和意义    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2选题意义    1
    第二章 相关理论概述    2
    2.1物流配送的基本概念     2
    2.2 电子商务对物流配送影响    2
    2.3 共同配送    3
    2.4 ERP系统对物流的影响    4
    第三章 潘撇橡胶厂物流配送系统现状分析    5
    3.1潘撇橡胶厂介绍    5
    3.2潘撇橡胶厂物流配送系统分析    5
    第四章 潘撇橡胶厂物流配送优化策略    7
    4.1实现物流配送电子商务化    7
    4.2 进行共同配送    9
    4.3实施ERP系统    10
    结束语    13
    致  谢    14
    参考文献    15
    第一章 选题背景和意义
  1. 上一篇:大润发超市生鲜配送的现状及优化策略研究
  2. 下一篇:天猫喵鲜生电商生鲜物流发展策略研究
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