    Supply chain management as a corporate right hand, for businesses, has a very important role. If a business to continue to develop, in order to achieve a qualitative leap, without a good supply chain it is impossible. Thus, for enterprises to optimize the production of meaning, manufacturing, packaging, transportation and marketing process is also very significant. In the traditional production planning, the final settlement of the way money are generally two cargo clearance; now most companies, the basic use of modern business model, but with the continuous growth of enterprises, business scope and operation of the market becomes more broad, then a variety of problems is gradually increasing, which makes the relation between the enterprises have become more complex, which requires scientific and reasonable method to optimize the management of the entire business operation process. Thus, a business development potential of enterprises and how the company if there is a reasonable supply chain management are closely related. First, the article briefly describes some of the theories and ideas associated with the supply chain management. Then, based on this theory, the status of supply chain management, Suning depth analysis, and then find companies in the supply chain management problems still exist based on the analysis results. Suning Appliance for the current supply chain management, logistics and distribution system appears inadequate, resulting in a waste of resources; supply chain members have not yet formed a strategic alliance and the problem of information among the members has not been fully implemented, we put forward some corresponding suggestions for improvement , hoping to provide a more rational and effective supply chain management theory Suning Appliance.
    Key word: Recommendations for improvement; Suning; supply chain management; Status
    目  录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    第二章  供应链管理综述    2
    2.1供应链管理的定义和组成部分    2
    2.2供应链管理的重要特征    3
    2.3供应链管理的战略意义    4
    第三章  苏宁电器供应链管理现状    5
    3.1苏宁电器简介    5
    3.2苏宁电器供应链管理现状    6
    3.3现阶段苏宁电器供应链管理所面临的问题    7
    第四章  苏宁电器供应链管理的建议及发展策略    8
    4.1苏宁电器供应链管理改进建议    8
    4.2苏宁电器供应链管理的发展策略    9
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