    The rapid development of e-commerce, it highlights is the role of logistics in the economic development of the logistics industry lags behind. Restricting force on the economy gradually enlarge, become an important factor restricting the development of electronic commerce. Therefore with the Internet plus, Internet plus logistics thinking gradually widely accepted. Rookie logistics is continuously formed in such a new way of thinking, and gradually mature. This article mainly embarks from the rookie Logistics background, focusing on the role of Internet plus logistics, in order to learn from him. As a rookie rookie logistics logistics fourth representative, is still in the early stage of logistics development, showing information Sharing can not fully digested, lack of professional personnel and in the lack of corresponding laws and regulations and so on a variety of issues. This article tries from rookie logistics existing problem of, through established large data of national logistics information platform, the rookie logistics development of strategy research, improve the status quo of the development of the logistics rookie.
    Keywords: Internet plus; rookie logistics; present situation; problem; development strategy
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1菜鸟物流研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目的及意义    1
    第二章 相关理论概述    2
    2.1“互联网+”基本概念    2
    2.2第四方物流    2
    第三章 菜鸟物流发展现状    3
    3.1菜鸟物流概况    3
    3.2菜鸟物流现状分析    3
    3.3菜鸟物流存在的问题    5
    第四章 菜鸟网络的发展策略研究    9
    4.1加强现代信息技术运用    9
    4.1.1构建物流信息平台,提高服务水平    9
    4.1.2运用新信息技术,促进信息共享    9
    4.2加强基础设施建设    10
    4.2.1利用运输资源整合货物,避免分散    10
    4.2.2物流地产运动,加强仓储建设    10
    4.2.3加大基础设施的投入力度,发展社会化物流    10
    4.3合理建设专业人才结构    11
    4.3.1建立合理的人才结构配置    11
    4.3.2加强对员工信息技术和实战能力的培训    11
    4.3.3积极引进技术型人才,顺应时代发展需求    11
    4.4加强物流管理制度建设    12
    4.4.1提高行业准入门槛,增强配送企业的监管力度    12
    4.4.2建立专门的物流组织机构和物流运作体系    12
    4.4.3发挥与政府主管部门的沟通协调作用,完善信息化政策法规    12
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