

    Due to the opacity of information and the differences of place, the price of product is different, this phenomenon is widespread in the traditional market. However, the phenomenon of different price of the same product is still existing of the online shopping, which is ignoring the difference of places and has transparent information. Based on the online transaction data of the domestic one of the biggest shopping website, taobao. By using the method of multiple regression analysis on the influencing factors of discrete network price for empirical testing. And to find the real factors affecting of discrete network price. Through the research, the results indicate that there are three influence factors of the high price product. They are the discrete month sales, the discrete comprehensive scoring points, the shop is tmall or not. Meanwhile, there are three influence factors of the low price produce. There are the discrete month sales, the discrete comprehensive scoring points, and bear the postage or not.

    毕业论文关键词:网络价格离散; 淘宝网; 影响因素; 多元回归

    Keyword: the discrete network price;  taobao;  influence factor;  multiple regression

    目    录

    1.引言 4

    1.1选题背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3研究方法 4

    2.文献综述 5

    2.2国内研究现状 5

    2.1国外研究现状 6

    2.3研究中存在的问题 7

    3.研究设计 7

    3.1研究假设 7

    3.1.1是否为天猫店 7

    3.1.2是否包邮 8

    3.1.3收藏人气 8

    3.1.4商家信誉 8

    3.1.5描述相符 9

    3.1.6服务态度 9

    3.1.7发货速度 9

    3.1.8是否有运费险 10

    3.1.9评价数量 10

    3.1.10月销量 10

    3.2样本来源 11

    3.2.1低价商品样本 11

    3.2.2高价商品样本 11

    3.3变量测量 11

    3.4假设检验 12

    3.5结果分析 15

    3.5.1低价商品 15

    3.5.2高价商品 15

    4. 结论与展望 16

    4.1淘宝商家 16


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