


    A Study of Risks and Countermeasures of Enterprise Training Outsourcing 

    ———Take Shanghai Trendzone Decoration Group LTD as an example

    Abstract: Staff training is not only one significant part of human resource management, but also is a key function of it. More and more enterprises want to put emphasize on the development of their own advantages, which makes the training outsourcing come into being. Based on the summery about the relevant theory of enterprise staff training, business outsourcing, human capital and training outsourcing and so on, the advantages, risks and the causes of the enterprise training outsourcing production in medium and small enterprises will be explored by outsourcing decision model and discriminant model. Then according to the exploration of the training outsourcing implementation plan of Shanghai Trendzone Construction Decoration Group Co., Ltd, the advantages and potential risks arising from the implementation of the current enterprise training outsourcing are conducted by the analysis on current personnel status, training task and training outsourcing objectives these three aspects to put forward the corresponding countermeasures. This research which also contributes to the enterprise training develop a new training model, has a certain practical significance.

    Key Words: Staff Training; Training Outsourcing; Outsourcing Decision; Risk Aversion  


    一、引言 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    (二) 研究内容及目的 1

    (三) 研究意义 1

    二、文献综述 2

    (一) 国外研究现状 2

    (二) 国内研究现状 2

    (三) 研究发展趋势 3

    三、培训外包的相关理论概述 4

    (一) 培训外包的相关理论 4

    (二) 培训外包决策模型 5

    (三) 培训外包判别模型 5

    四、培训外包的优势及风险 7

    (一) 培训外包的优势 7

    (二) 培训外包的风险 7

    五、上海全筑建筑装饰集团股份有限公司培训外包实施方案探讨 9

    (一) 企业概况 9

    (二) 企业培训外包现状 11

    (三) 企业培训及外包的方案实施 12

    (四) 企业培训外包的优势 13

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