

    毕业论文关键词:杭州地铁满意度 ;主成分分析 ;假设检验 ;相关分析 ;信度分析

    Abstract In this article, we aim the No1. Hangzhou Metro as study object. Firstly, gathering the background information of the passengers and showing the metro’s satisfaction recognition condition of passengers by excel. Then, analyzing the feasibility of the questionnaire and calculating the exponent of satisfaction. After that, we got the score of passengers’ satisfaction (83.25). Besides, we did main ingredients analysis of metro’s satisfaction degree and found the main effective factors and classified these factors, they are the price capacity of passengers, the cost performance of alternative vehicle, the quality of metro’s service, the safety of metro and the preference of the metro. Then, we did the reliability analysis to make sure the data was credible and stable. As for the main factors, we used importance analysis and ranked every main factor according to their importance. After the importance analysis, we found the main factors which made a big contribution to metro’s satisfaction score and the correlativity of them through the correlation analysis.

    Finally, according to the analysis of investigation data and the communication with the passengers, we got the satisfaction condition of the No1. Hangzhou Metro and gathered suggestions to perfect the No1. Hangzhou Metro. 

    Keyword: the satisfaction of the No1. Hangzhou Metro; main ingredients analysis; importance analysis; correlation analysis; reliability analysis


    摘要 2

    一、调查设计 4

    1.1调查背景 4

    1.2调查目的 5

    1.3调查对象 5

    1.4调查区域 6

    1.5调查内容 6

    1.6调查工作安排 6

    1.7调查方式和方法 6

    1.8问卷设计 7

    二、调查结果的统计分析 7

    2.1被访者的背景情况 7

    2.2乘客对地铁满意度认知状况的调查统计 9

    2.3乘客地铁满意度的统计 15

    2.4乘客背景对地铁满意度影响的相关分析 17

    2.4.1性别对地铁满意度的影响 18


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