
    摘要 Twitter在国外的流行使微博这种模式在国内迅速走红,新浪微博是其中的典型代表。而目前社交网站也存在产品同质化高,用户流失大,盈利模式不清晰等问题,成熟良好的用户体验已成为网站长远发展的核心。针对以上问题,本文以新浪微博用户体验为主要依据,结合理论文献,同时采用深度访谈,一对一测试以及问卷调查方法,构建用户体验模型,从内容、交互、业务目标、用户目标四个层次进行分析,包括是否能高效传递新浪用户的信息,网站界面的布局,用户需求等方面。通过调查结果以及理论研究,归纳总结影响微博用户的体验因素,结合得出的结果对新浪微博进行相应的改进建议与对策。希望本文能为社交网站的用户体验研究提供新的分析视角。48029


    Twitter is so prevalent abroad that microblogging’s model is becoming more and more popular in the country, particularly Sina Microblog. At present, there are social networking sites, which has some problems that product homogeneity is high, users is getting fewer, the profit model is not clear and so on. Mature and good user experience has become the core of the site’s long-term development. To solve these problems, this paper is mainly based on the Sina’s user experience, with the combination of theory literature, while using in-depth interviews, tests and questionnaires one to one to build the user experience model, from the content, interactive, business goals, user goals four levels were analyzed, including whether the user can efficiently transfer information in Sina, web interface layout, user needs and so on. Through the survey results and theoretical studies, summarized microblogging summarize the factors affecting the user's experience, combined with the results obtained on Sina microblogging corresponding improvement suggestions and countermeasures. I hope this can provide a new perspective for the analysis of user experience research social networking sites.

    毕业论文关键字: 用户体验;社交网站;新浪微博;度量模型

    Keyword:user experience;social network;Sina microblog;test mod


    一、引言 4

    (一)研究背景及意义 4

    (二)研究目标 4

    (三)研究内容 4

    (四)研究方法 5

    (五)本文创新点 6

    (六)技术路线 6

    二、相关理论综述 7

    (一)社交网站及用户体验概述 7

    (二)国外对用户体验的研究 8

    (三)国内用户体验的研究 9

    (四)总结 9

    三、社交网站用户体验影响因素研究 9

    四、社交网站用户体验实证研究 9

    (一)定性研究 10

    1.深度访谈 10

    2.一对一测试 11

    (二)定量研究 13

    1.研究实例模型 13

    2.问卷调查 13

    3.层次分析 14

    五、调查数据结果分析 16

    (一)样本数据的收集 16

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